MovieChat Forums > Hereditary (2018) Discussion > being touted as scariest movie ever

being touted as scariest movie ever


yup, can't wait for this one.


thanks - love your reviews on youtube btw


thanks so much. it's always been a big passion of mine so means a lot that people are like them.


what happened to your reviews on youtube ??


been fighting very hard to prove I was not in violation of their rules over the past month. Today I can say I have been vindicated. You should see the channel back on your browser and new reviews will be coming soon


Great news. I was a big fan of your reviews.


Join Patreon!


may do that in the future but right now I need to improve my stats cause I really want to show the studios i'm worthy enough to be put on the list for advanced screenings so that subscriber count is important.


Add: I will subscribe right now.


Aw man I hope things turned out okay. I know this was posted 2 months ago but I would love to hear your thoughts on this movie! Just left the theatres and although the acting was amazing, I think I left unfulfilled- unless I missed something... which is why I need you! Lol


Lol, yeah I actually just posted. thanks for the subscribe by the way. I actually really liked the movie until the ending where I thought it changed tones a lot. like it went from a family drama to a supernatural cult thriller.


Exactly! Can’t agree more. I’m “pink room” on YT. Thanks for the review! Read my comments! :)


And now among the most anticipated A24 movies this year:


A24 ???


A24 is the distributor of the movie (check the link ;)


thank you


It's subjective, of course, but I think "The Exorcist" is the scariest movie ever made. "Heriditary" showed a lot of promise in the same vein, but (for me) failed to sink it's teeth in the way "The Exorcist" did. I think the difference is that some of the scenes in "Hereditary" are just a bit over the top and take away from the realism. There were quite a few laughs in my theatre at many scenes. I wasn't laughing during the "The Exorcist."


The Exorcist is scary but I belive Alien is the scariest movie ever created. I was just a teen when Alien was released in the theaters and it gave me nightmares! Also the Japanese horror movie Audition is quite scary too and worth a look.


I think Paranormal Activity, with the jump scares, and the ouija board catching fire, was a lot more scary than Hereditary.


Gotta say, the trailer doesn't seem scary at all.


Never judge a movie off of a trailer. Case in point watch the trailer to suburbicon then watch the movie.


Not scariest.... Far from it...


Not scariest movie ever. Not by a long shot. Scary involves satan, the supreme evil that all demons bow to, and worship. This movie had scary parts, but there are far more scarier horror movies out there.Right now, I am watching "Curse of the Demon", a movie from 1957. It has a demon, witchcraft, and even an evil parchment. It is scarier than Hereditary. Lots of discussion on the black arts in this movie. There is even a sèance.


It's not. Don't buy the hype


Having heard the hype regarding this & seeing the movie I can tell you that's just not so. Creepy? Yeah. Disturbing? For sure. But NO! Not one of the scariest movies of all time. As a matter of fact I am getting increasingly annoyed when critics & people keep coming out & saying that about ANY movie.

Besides this, there was that movie "Veronica" that got this type of buzz also. "It's so scary, you won't be able to sit through 30 minutes of it, you won't sleep at night."

Trust me I watched both that & this I slept fine no problems. It's a good drama with horror elements but this is not a quote on quote "horror" film.
