Surprisingly pretty good

I honestly watched this with no expectations & it genuinely surprised me. A very well done anthology horror movie.

The stories vary in quality but I enjoyed the film as a whole. Love Clancy Brown. He was delightful in this. Great to actually see him headlining a movie

My personal favorite of the stories were The Babysitter & The Sick Wife ones.


I stumbled across it and thought it was pretty good, too. Some the characters crossed over into other stories, even though they were in different time-periods. I didn't get the meaning of that. But It was pretty good. I'd like to see a Part 2 with Sam as the mortician. She looked pretty cool.


Oh man, would love a sequel.

And yeah, Sam looked freaking awesome at the end


Yeah, I enjoyed it. I would rate it an 8/10.


The whole way through this, I'm trying to figure out why I know the mortician ... omg, it's the guard from Shawshank! He was great in this.


Most times, I just pause the movie to look up where I've seen an actor or heard his voice before.

Otherwise, it'd just bother the heck outta me.

Happened to me watching Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes recently.


Yes, it was well done.
