Destroyed by a Hedgehog at the box office

Sonic movie pulls in $100 million. Most successful game move of all time.

Box Office: Sonic the Hedgehog Races Past the Competition

Worldwide, it's brought in $100 million, making it the best showing of all time for a video game movie, according to Variety. With Monday being a holiday, Sonic is expected to pull in $68 million domestically.

Warner Bros.' Birds of Prey took in a decent $17.1 million over the weekend, which was enough to land it in second place Monday is expected to bump the take to $19.6 million.


Good. Couldn't be happier. Not much more needs saying to be honest.

Movie that listens to fans and gives a fun, entertaining movie succeeds with a great box office numbers.

Movie that once again attacks men does terrible at box office.

No suprise really. Hopefully this is a wake up call for Hollywood.


You said it, the director of the Sonic movie listened to the fans and particularly their criticism of the initial design and changed it for the better.

The Birds of Prey film took something the fans loved and changed it for the worst.

Good to see the Sonic movie succeed while the other failed.

I don't see this making Hollywood change things tho, they will continue to lash out at the audience (males in particular) for not seeing their film.


All that while saying "this movie was not made for you!!". And then complaining that YOU (that the movie was not made for) didn't go to see the movie. You sexist pig!!!


There really is no winning with them.


Not quite destroyed yet but on its way. Sonic's raced past Harley in the US but still has about 20-30M to go worldwide. Harley had a week head start however.

Make a fun movie that gives fans what they want, and succeed at the box office! Crazy, right?

I'm just thankful we still live in a time (for now) where we're allowed to *not* pay to see preachy movies "not meant for us" without being imprisoned.


Lol 😄


It is very funny indeed!


* Male Hedgehog


People need to have this pointed out to anyone that uses the "don't like it, don't watch" argument to people who have issue with declining quality in their movies or tv shows. Listening to fans issues and complaints literally pays off. I didn't exactly dislike BOP, but it missed a few marks that might keep me from seeing a follow-up in the theaters.


And the Hedgehog crushes the Birds passing it by with a 86m domestic total vs the 67m Birds of Prey has!


It'll probably do better on Blu Ray sells and streaming service.
