MovieChat Forums > Searching (2018) Discussion > The best way to make a movie dealing pri...

The best way to make a movie dealing primarily with social media

Fantastic debut film. Both a fun mystery, thrilling, and actually emotionally moving with a great performance from Jon Cho. Go see this when you get the opportunity.

Have a short review of this movie if anyone is interested. If you feel there is something I could be doing better, I would definitely love to hear it. Review here -


So cheap & low budget. Need 2 stop makin these borin filmz. Why wud any1 think watchin text bein typed on a screen wud be a grate idea?


This film could only be boring to someone of your intelligence.


Brawahahaha. U actually think u need intelimugence 4 dis garbage? Brawahahahaha.


mikeflatley, mate......I remember seeing you around the IMDB boards about TEN YEARS AGO....And all this time later, you STILL sound like a 12 year old when you type.
Is there something seriously wrong with you?

"intelimugence", seriously?
Are you mentally retarded? I am genuinely wondering..


Only ever so sleightly but dont judge


I apologize. No judgement.


Tried to get into the early showing but couldn’t. Would you recommend going to the theatre to see it? I already bought tix for next week. Does your review contain spoilers CraigJames?


nope, no real spoilers to it. I would definitely recommend the theater to see it. It's a fantastic little thriller.


Saw it on Tuesday. I was actually blown away by how good it was. I was expecting something along the lines of “unfriended”. This was put together really well.


I saw it yesterday and liked it...

two years ago we had one,also a young adult themed one, Nerve (but that actually hit no.1. Love both of them.)


Great net based movie, saw it this morning, rate it 7.5/10.
