Non Bombadil
I appreciate finally getting to see him on screen, but they dropped the ball a bit. For one, just adding a scene word for word that was supposed to be in Fellowship and just inserting it in here could have been done better. It's about 4000 or 5000 years earlier or something like that, but Bombadil gives the exact same speech about who he is to Proto-Gandalf that he does to the hobbits much later. But old Tom is a bit of a weirdo, so let's just accept this as he's been around so long and has been asked who he is so many times, that he just has a speech memorized and spouts it off whenever asked.
The bigger difference is he doesn't seem like Tom Bombadil. He's too focused and too interested and involved in world issues. He's been around since the beginning of time pretty much, so that aspect of his personality would have formed long ago, not just between Rings of Power time and LOTR time.
Hopefully they do some interesting things with him at least. And don't explain too much about him. The mystery is the best part.