Killing a Troll. Lord of the Rings (2001) vs Rings of Power (2022)
LotR. Lord of the Rings
RiP. Rings of Power
LotR. Lord of the Rings
RiP. Rings of Power
There were Elves powerful enough to kill Balrogs, let alone a troll. But Galadriel wasn't one of them.
go here and knock yourself out...(it's pretty much the gold standard of all things Tolkien)...
Um, I don't want to be pointed to the MAIN PAGE of a general Tolkien website, I wanted YOU to take me specifically to the page in question, because I myself wouldn't know where to look! Do YOU?
Um, what exactly are you looking for?
Elves have defeated Balrogs in battle.
Guyladriel was never written as a warrior she-elf and she never fought a troll in hand-2-hand combat let alone a Balrog...hell, she never fought an orc.
This show is complete shite.
Elves are not Wizards, and even Gandalf BARELY defeated the Balrog in Moria.
I just want you to name an Elf that beat a Balrog in the same way as Gandalf.
an Elf that beat a Balrog in the same way as Gandalf
Well, it doesn't HAVE to be the same way, but what could an Elf do against something so powerful as a Balrog?
Okay, there are two known instances of an Elf defeating a Balrog ...both occurred during the Fall of Gondolin and in both cases the Elf perished as well as the Balrog:
Also, although it did not occur, most Tolkienites believe that Fingolfin would have defeated any Balrog who would have dared challenge him before his duel with Morgoth.
Yes, but Gandalf also defeated a Balrog, and he didn't dispose of that Troll as easily as Galadriel did. And there are no records of Galadirel defeating a Balrog, or defeating anyone in combat for that matter. There are some obscure references to her "fighting" and being of amazonian build.
shareCorrect...(although I'm not sure you meant your reply for me or AMJF)
shareGlorfidel killed a Balrog, died as a result, and was sent back to Middle Earth in a more powerful form. So pretty much exactly like Gandalf.
shareEcthelion killed 4 balrogs, including Gothmog who was the most powerful of them all.
shareWhy are you posting this? We all know that the Peter Jackson LOTR movies stomp all over the Rings of Power as though it is a bug!
both nice action scenes...the trolls are different though. the second one looked creepier...