MovieChat Forums > The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (2022) Discussion > I am just watching the scene of tidal wa...

I am just watching the scene of tidal waves

And building crumble before waves even reach them, are they making mistakes on CGI? I thought that is the part this show is good at.


I admire your commitment to painstakingly studying every frame of a series you don't even like.

The bridge collapses as the waves hit it, which presumably compromises the structural integrity of the towers, since they are all connected. I mean a tidal wave like that would probably cause shockwaves that could easily cause structures to collapse. I am not a structural engineer though, so I don't know for sure. But it is kind of like saying that the twin towers were hit by planes at the top, so why do they collapse from the bottom. If that happened in a movie you would probably be calling it a plot hole. Why don't you spent years studying it so you can nitpick frames of a series you don't like?


I don't think it is great, I'm not saying it is horrible, just not very good. I watch it mostly for the scenery and CGI, so you can imagine my disappointment.

I was talking about the buildings, the ones crumbled last before waves reached them.

Ah, I have to re-watch the twin tower to be sure, no, it collapsed from the top, just where they were hit by planes, seem to make sense to me.


I know which building you were talking about. The waves hit the bridge, which could have caused them to collapse. Or it could be that the waves hit the foundations which were out of view from the perspective we see. Since they are very high above sea level, it would make sense that it took a second or two for the waves to reach our eye level. It clearly was not a mistake or accident, only someone trying really hard to find something to nitpick would think so.


I don't know what to tell you, when I watched the scene, that thought was the first thing hit me. I was just wondering whether I was the only one thinking it was weird. That was why I made the post before finish watching.

Those 2 buildings, when I reviewed the scene again, actually collapsed from the top, the foundation was a bit later.

It was like wind blew them apart. Like from a blast wave, I wonder if they used some of the old computer modeling from other movies to reduce the cost.

Or maybe these was an earthquake going on at the same time, and those buildings collapsed because of earthquake instead of tidal waves, can't be certain.

I was from engineering background, can be quite anal about these things.


What’s with your commitment to defend this shit show no matter what?


blame the Palantir, that is what is providing the vision.


Malfunction crystal, that seems to be valid, considering how many cracks were on it.


And out of it.
