Racist backlash target The Rings of Power
Of course it has nothing to do with the bad quality of the writing and poor casting choices. No, of course not, it´s because we are all racists.
And americans are surprised the rest of the world find them dumb.
"The show is failing so let's blame it on racism." Tolkien said his stories were meant to be an ancient mythology for England, everyone should be white unless they come from Harad or something. Elves were described as being fair-skinned with grey eyes, and Tar-Miriel was explicitly described as being "fairer than silver or ivory or pearls" yet in the show she's black. Also the people crying about racist backlash are the same ones who throw a fit whenever a white person plays a non-white role.
shareIt´s hipocrisy at it´s best.
shareTolkien is not jesus though, and great works of art always outgrow their parents. I hated the trailers, but when it came to watching the series, the black actors didn't bother me at all. The black Dwarf wife was actually pretty much how I would have imagined a dwarf wife to be, being black excepted. Dunno, it kind of worked for me. It's not exactly lord of the rings, it is a made up story obviously, and Galadriel doesn't much resemble the character from either the books or the move, although how much do you really get to know her in the books anyway? Her character works in this story though. Ant the world that is woven is Tolkienish enough so far.
It seems like the haters are just doubling down at this point. The series could have turned out to be a lot worse, even if it had an all white cast. As it is, it is a solid reinterpretation. I don't feel like we are worse off because of its existence.