Seriously, the Fantasy genre as a whole is left-leaning, because the demographics demand it.
lol the fantasy genre is quite heavy in right-wing/conservative values, but ok bud.
The typical Fantasy reader is a female who believes in goodness and common decency, who sympathizes with the downtrodden and who believes that everyone should get a fair deal regardless of race, sex, nationality, and (frequently) sexual/gender orientation, so stuff that appeals to the typical reader is what gets published.
If it was a romantic fantasy story, then sure, the typical reader would be female. Otherwise it's as I said, fantasy leans heavy on the right, which has always been about equality and tolerance; as opposed to the left, which is about supremacy and intolerance. Thanks for proving my point. That last part about sexuality/gender orientation might apply more to leftist stories, especially these days, but hey, "don't ask, don't tell". The LGBT can do their thing as long as they're not forcing others to like them.
If you want stories that celebrate white men, monocultures, alpha males, or the correctness of respecting authority, forget out of Fantasy. The fandoms won't miss you.
Not sure what fantasies you were reading/watching before 2010, but that's how it's always been, the only difference is that the race of the characters is based on who's telling the story. Whether it's white, black, Asian, Hispanic, Indian, etc, that's how the fantasy genre is, until 2010-2015 anyway, when the Obama years brought out the woke writers. Even in fantasies where different cultures clashed, they never portrayed each culture as being multi-racial/ethnic. One culture was one race, and another culture was another race. That's how you show diversity, not shoving a bunch of people into one area with no sense of identity.