Glad this didn't end up on the CW

I like Riverdale a lot but it is so clearly cheaply produced. At least with the money Netflix has they really made it dark and filmed it beautifully.

Also with the tone i think the censors would have freaked out a bit with some of the content. The conservative housewives would be clutching their pearls if their daughters watched this!

I think they did a good job of playing to the light and dark on this. I binged it all in 2 days. Looking forward to how the next 10 episodes play out.


if CW made it omg how terrible it would have been, this movie is too dark to even be on tv, without a lawsuit from someone., saying CW is trying to convert their child to satan


if CW made it omg how terrible it would have been, this movie is too dark to even be on tv, without a lawsuit from someone., saying CW is trying to convert their child to satan


If CW made it, they would have been so wrapped up in the usual PC agenda pushing that there wouldn't have been any time left for evil themes.


Heh, and yet this show is very anti-pc to the uptight conservative folks. Funny how that works.

Nice try tho.


Oh, another aggressive Leftard spouting nonsense. I guess you are going to tell me that the CW aren't PC nutters? I can already see your next 1,000 moves before you even make them.


Funny you should mention conservative housewives, although it isn't them who is in an uproar about this show right now. (Conservative Housewives just shut the thing off and go watch something better). Netflix is getting sued by the most ironic source: the Temple of Satan. Can you believe that? A chapter of THOSE kinds of people are actually upset about this show! They didn't like the people who made the show supposedly "stealing" the likeness of their favorite pagan god statue for the school Sabrina was going to.


haha that's funny, I thought the goat god looked familiar I couldn't place where I saw it from first.
