It's the same as what they did with the Charmed reboot.They changed the race of the characters.And the characters are deported instead of dead.It's just another uninteresting agenda show.Also like Charmed these are entirely new characters with a completely different story.So the only connection this has with the original is the title.
That's a fair point, although Obama was president for 8 years whereas Trump has only been president for 3. Did Obama depart more people per year? (because I have no idea)
What stands out to me, though, is that Trump is actively trying to prevent people from entering this country (no matter what the reason), whereas Obama was actively looking for ways to try to help people who were seeking a better life.
It's not difficult for me to prefer Obama over Trump.
"What stands out to me, though, is that Trump is actively trying to prevent people from entering this country (no matter what the reason), whereas Obama was actively looking for ways to try to help people who were seeking a better life."
They each tell something different to their supporters, but their actions are pretty much the same.
I'm not clicking on your links, but Trump did, in fact, put people in cages. Obama tried to work with people to find solutions. Trump is hateful. Obama tried to make sure everyone in this country received basic healthcare (which should be a basic human right and not something that can cause people to declare bankruptcy). Trump uses every opportunity to talk about how he's the best at everything. Obama empathized with people and tried to unite the country and look to the future with optimism.
Aha, scared of the truth, huh? But wait, you don't even remember the pictures of children in cages that were taken during Obama's presidency and some folks tried to pass off as being taken after Trump was elected??? Were you living in a cage yourself? If you're that clueless, it's impossible to even have this discussion with you.
If Obama was so great at uniting then why did so many vote for Trump??? But you can drop your Trump rant about healthcare and whatnot, because that's not with this is about. The question was why deportation would suddenly be a story NOW while it's not that much different from Obama's policy. Mmmkay??
"Mmmkay???" That was unnecessarily rude. "Clueless" That is unkind. I haven't been rude to you at all. I may disagree with you, but I have not been unkind. The very first thing I said to you was, "That's a fair point."
Your link mentions one picture. How does one picture compare to hours of video shot in the past 2 years?
I'm confused as to how you can honestly say that Trump's policy isn't different from Obama's policy when Trump ran on the campaign of building a wall.
Trump did win the presidency, but he did not get the most votes. I'm not crying unfair, because he did win the Electoral College. But it's inaccurate to say that more people voted for him, when Hillary did, in fact, receive more votes. Most of the people who voted for him did so because he pointed at Mexico and said that getting rid of the immigrants would help "make America great again," as if America wasn't great.
I don't need to drop my Trump rant about anything. I didn't actually say anything about Trump and Healthcare, I simply used Healthcare as an example of something good that Obama did. I don't recall saying deportation was suddenly a story. I simply said that it IS a story. Part of the reason it is a story is because Trump decided to make it one.
I've actually wasted more than enough time with this post alone. Agree with me, don't agree with me, I really don't care. But I also don't care to discuss things with people who are rude and unkind to me.
No, what's rude was to not click on my link or even look it up yourself and just simply dismiss evidence proving you're wrong (and it mentions MULTIPLE pictures and explains Obama's general policy. Again, he and Trump did the same thing).
What's also rude is turning this discussion into a political rant about Trump and continuing when I made clear I had no interest in that. Even ruder is calling me rude and unkind simply because I quote a cartoon character and blaming me for the fact that you can't control your anger issues regarding Trump.
It's not Trump who decided to post pictures of children in cages. It's not even him who created the whole illegal immigrant and the wall at the border discussion. It is not more of a story NOW than it was under Obama.
Suit it yourself. But you've shown your true colours by the way you reacted. Bye, Felicia! (quoting a movie character here)
That is just the Liberal media controlled narrative. Trump wants to prevent "illegal immigrants" from entering the United States which I happen to agree with. Open border policies are terrible. Cases in point, Germany and Sweden.
Trump needs no help from the “liberal media.” His own words and actions make him a completely hateful ass. He’s racist and sexist, and the only person he wants to help is himself. He didn’t become president to try to make the United States a better country. He became president because he hoped it would be financially advantageous for his business and therefore his family.
Most people seeking asylum in the US are running from extreme danger not of their own making. Instead of complaining that too many of the immigrants in this country come here illegally, why not make it easier and cheaper for them to do so legally. Why are the laws so tough? Why is it so expensive? Why is it so much harder to be a legal immigrant now and it was 100 years ago, 200 years ago?
It was just as hard for illegals to enter the US when Obama was Pres. As mentioned, Obama deported more illegals than Trump did but the media didn´t give a shit when he did it. And the Liberals certainly weren´t crying about it. Why is Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau forgiven for wearing blackface three times? Because most MSM with the obvious exception of Fox news is controlled by Liberals. It has nothing to do with how good or bad the President actually is but which party he belongs to.
"Most people seeking asylum in the US are running from extreme danger not of their own making." Seems like a pretty vague and general assumption. What is considered extreme danger? Does living in Mexico automatically put you in "extreme danger"? Or is it just people wanting to leave their own shitty countries.
When I said it's harder to be a legal immigrant now, I meant compared to 100 or 200 years ago (not Obama vs. Trump). Often times when people complain about illegal immigration, they are 5th or 6th generation Americans and mention that their ancesters came into this country legally, so all immigrants should. That would be a fair point, if their the ancestors had had to do anything other than travel to this land in order to be granted citizenship.
When I compared Obama to Trump, I was saying that Obama was always trying to work with people and looking for solutions. Trump simply attracts everyone who is different from him, insults people who disagree with him or challenge him in any way and proceeded to put people in cages and dehumanize them. I think it's pathetic when people complain about the "liberal media." There are plenty of new sources that are conservative and support Trump. That doesn't make them correct.
As far as people running to this country because they fear for their lives (which is very much the reality in far too many countries) or because their country is "shitty," who cares? Maybe someone is running for danger or from poor economic conditions or some other reason. Who cares? Why can't they leave their country and come here? Why does it bother you? Why shouldn't people be able to live anywhere in the world that they want to live?
Can you name the "plenty of sources" of MSM that are conservative? Because the vast majority are left leaning.
To answer your question. I think countries are within their rights to protect their civilians from illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants can´t be vetted for criminal history. In most Western nations, they often don´t pay tax since they have no social security. This can be a big financial burden for tax-paying citizens of the host country. As for open door policies. They are also extremely problematic. As I said before, look at what social issues Germany and Sweden are currently dealing with. It´s extremely difficult for Islamic "refugees" to integrate/assimilate into Western countries because of societal and cultural differences. This has drastic repercussions for the civilians of the countries they are migrating to. I agree that people should live where they want to live, if they can afford to, and if they do so legally. If your country of birth sucks, it doesn´t give you the right to just pack up and leave all expenses paid to the country of your choosing where you can potentially exploit their welfare system until you die.
You probably consider MSM to be liberal leaning because it's more liberal than you. That doesn't necessarily make it left of center. It also depends on if you are speaking of tv, radio, internet, newsprint. The vast majority of syndicated radio is very conservative.
If having illegal immigrants is so costly, just let them be legal. Problem solved. Why do they need to be vetted? Were you vetted? Having Islamic refugees in Western countries is a great way for people of both countries/cultures to learn more about each other and experience something new. No reason for that to be a problem unless people insist that different automatically means bad.
lol at radio. Who tf listens to radio for news in 2019?
Yes I most certainly was vetted and at my own expense. That is such a naive reply. Experience something new. lol. Yeah German citizens got to experience "something new" in 2016. And yes different certainly can be bad.
Making them Hispanic isn't so much of a problem (it's probably more realistic with that many kids!), but having the parents deported is just more woke PC crap.