MovieChat Forums > The Carmilla Movie (2017) Discussion > I'm a huge horror fan and a fan of Le Fa...

I'm a huge horror fan and a fan of Le Fanu's 'Carmilla' but this was dreadful

This supposed horror-comedy is a continuation of a web series from a couple of years beforehand (which you get a recap of at the beginning). It's another work based on Sheridan Le Fanu's novella Carmilla. That book is very good - this is God-awful. It plays out like an extremely sub-par episode of the original Charmed TV show - but crammed with modern CW type identity politics. The one saving grace is actress Elise Bauman who plays 'Laura'. She's clearly talented and delivers well on comedy (she went on to do quite a bit; I hope she has a good career and stays away from rubbish like this in the future). There's actually a post-credits scene hinting at a sequel - optimism at its finest. As far as I'm aware it hasn't been made, and fingers crossed it stays that way. Elise Bauman gets this 3/10
