MovieChat Forums > Always Be My Maybe (2019) Discussion > Great rom com and killer celeb cameo!

Great rom com and killer celeb cameo!

Love Ali and randall in this film. And that Keanu bit towards the end was hilarious. Gotta love Keanu poking fun at himself. And that meal at that trendy restaurant was hilarious. Who wants to try flavor of caesar salad or eat with headphones to hear the animal you are consuming?? Haha

What were your favorite bits?


I completely lost it with Keanu. I almost pop a vein from laughing so hard.


I know! Plus that song at the end about Keanu by Hello Peril was hilarious. "I punched Keanu Reeves" is my new jam!


Agreed, my wife and I were crying during the restaurant scene. I will have to admit though I never felt a romantic vibe between Sasha and Marcus, great friend zone vibe though and great chemistry between the actors playing off of each other.

I also liked how the movie didn't have that secondary friend character/actor that tries to steal the movie. The secondary characters/actors were great and they stayed where they belonged.


good analysis. and yes my girlfriend thought the same thing about their "chemistry"

did you like the "I Punched Keanu Reeves" song? we thought it was hilarious.


great song, made me watch/listen to the credits.


I can't wait to watch this. Love both lead actors.


Keanu was the best part of the film by a long shot. The rest of it was just the average "boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy gets girl" monotony with a few funny moments. Good film but overrated.


Thanks for that. I watched the trailer just now and at first, it made me want to watch the film, but by the time it ended, I felt as though I’d already seen everything. No need to watch the movie.


OMG, Keanu killed it!

My favorite laugh out loud moments where when Sasha cursed out her fiance at that kids birthday party and "The man who embraces his mediocre nothingness shines greater than any."

I think I'll use that one as a quote, lol. 😄


Solid rom-com. Nothing that subverts the genre in any way but the interactions and chemistry felt genuine.


Yeah, I agree. Keanu was great playing the douchebag trying to be magnanimous in a backhanded way, e.g. the line about paying the $6400 meal bill that represented just a small portion of his residuals for Speed alone.

In real life, he has a rep for being an easy-going unpretentious guy who really is generous. I read he paid the special effects people on the Matrix movies a good chunk of money out of his own earnings as a big thank you.


ha yeah that speed residual line was awesome, haha.

And did he really do that on the matrix? got a link to that article?


"Rich people are done with fancy clothes. Now it's all Thousand Dollar T-shirts that look like they were stolen off the homeless people"
