MovieChat Forums > Chernobyl (2019) Discussion > British Accents Ruined This Show

British Accents Ruined This Show

OMG! WHY?!?!?!??? Everything about this show was awesome except for that. literally the worst accent they could have done. Russian accents should have been used. American accents would have been stupid but at least bearable but BRITISH?! Really!?!?!? So lame the worst accent ever, sounds so feminine and pretentious. Ruined the whole thing for me really




the accents sucked ass tho. i am sure someone else said the same thing about it but i thought i would say it too. would have been a million times better if they were not there and soooo annoying


Don't be so stupid. If they got British actors to put on Russian accents like a Bond movie, that would have spoilt it.


no it would have made you feel like you are watching an actual Soviet scene and put you in the moment. having to hear those annoying pansy ass accents spoilt it by taking you out of the film and reminding you that you are watching a bunch of drama queen brit actors being drama queen actors. the accents ruined the whole thing for me. I watched the whole thing and enjoyed it but was pissed of every time anyone of those dumbass actors opened their mouths and talked in that puff nanny tongue


There are over 40 different accents in Britain


and they all sound like total shit lol


Ive read your previous posts on other subjects and you seem like an absolute helmet !!


helmets save lives everyday! i will take that as a compliment. USA USA USA USA USA USA!!!!!! MURICAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Do you really need to type the idiot "lol"


yes i was laughing at my own joke when i typed that i wanted the whole world to know


So UK actors should speak American because Americans are too xenophobic to hear any accents other than American?


YES, there are 65 million brits and 332 million muricans. plus other foreigners prefer the murican accent as well. one time i meet my cousins friend who was a Polish girl living in london and she was so excited to hear a USA Murican accent for once. she said thank God! Someone who finally speaks English normally!! nobody likes hearing those annoying brits talk!! they can narrate nature documentaries but that is it!!!!
