Is Chernobyl woke?

Like 99% of male characters in this serie are villains, colds or dumbs (or just following orders). The woman are portrait as smarters, wisers, emotionals


Another thing is that Ulana Khomyuk (Emily Watson) is a fictucious character. I guess they needed to add a female main character who is very intelligent, helps prevent a second disaster by pointing out something that should be fairly obvious to Legasov, then leads the way to figuring out what caused the disaster. This was pretty surprising to me because of how hard they strived to be as historically accurate as possible. They hired actors who looked as close to the real people as possible, made the sets look as authentic/accurate as possible, followed nearly exact timelines, etc., then they decide to add in a ficticious main character who majorly impacts multiple series of events. I guess they felt they needed to compress multiple people doing different things into a single character to make things cleaner and less confusing, then chose a woman because nearly every other character was a man.

But I disagree with you about how you think that the female characters were all portrayed as smarter, wiser and “emotionals” (I don’t know what that was supposed to mean, emotional maybe?) due to the firefighters wife Lyudmila. She definitely did not make wise decisions, other than choosing not to go to the bridge to watch the fire with her neighbors. She recklessly endangered her unborn child by continuously staying with her radioactive husband despite multiple warning. “Don’t touch him in anyway, stay for no more than 30 minutes and you can’t be pregnant.” Then “stay on the other side of the plastic barrier.” She immediately goes inside the plastic and places his hand on her stomach and continuously holds it there. It’s one thing to put yourself at extreme risk like that to comfort your dying husband, but it’s something else entirely to do that while pregnant. Exposing a baby to deadly dose radiation, obviously a baby can’t understand the situation and give consent to be exposed. She frustrated and angered me to extreme degrees.


yes seemed pretty woke


The world is woke. Do not think. Assimilate or be absorbed.
