3-4 megatons what?
Ok toward the end of episode two it’s stated if the storage tanks under the core are full of water an explosion will occur when the melting core contacts the cold moderator. I heard a 3-4 megaton explosion stated which is impossible. The Chernobyl accident was the result of a steam explosion when the water in the graphite cooling channels immediately turned to steam due to the prompt supercritical condition caused by the testing the night crew was doing.
The worst thing a melting core can contact is water, which may allow the core to go critical again, causing another steam explosion. There is no way a melting core can explode like an atomic bomb, and especially a hydrogen bomb which is needed for a 3-4 Megaton yield.
I’m a nuclear engineer and so far have been impressed by the scientific accuracy of the accident and the radiation exposure consequences. Why overstate the science for dramatic affect now, when the writers are doing so good? I can’t figure it out. Maybe someone knows.