MovieChat Forums > LukewarmCereal

LukewarmCereal (88)


About the, um... 'heroes' of this film. Did Robot Chicken write this film? Plot Summary A missing scene that fixes everything! Note to cryotube designers Barrett .50 View all posts >


In the wasteland, you have to get your kicks where you can. You know, the old west was new when they built it. The bombs fall in 2077. It's not set in 1950. Lago is lake in Latin. You really care very deeply about these teenage girls in bit parts in a kids film, huh? Weird, and creepy. But hey, you do you, I suppose. Please stay away from children. Woke just means anything he doesn't like. It's long since lost any meaning it may have had. Now all 'woke' means is "I'm a moron, and I didn't like this thing". That's a terrible way to determine if something is good. Plenty of cult classics never get a sequel, despite being great, while utter dross mainstream slop gets sequel after sequel upon remake and reboot. White House Down Jack was omnisexual. "Anything with a hole", I believe was how they phrased it. View all replies >