I believe he was good for Beck to, and had she not have found out his secret they would most likely have had a long and fruitful relationship together.
Except for his first murder the rest of them can be justified. Although the record producer was a coked out scumbag who pretty much brought it on himself by leaning up against the edge of a building while snorting coke and taunting the guy. He was practically begging Joe to push him off. He didn't deserve death though, but I can't say I feel too sorry for him.
Beth's ex Benji was a killer himself and a complete degenerate. Joe killed Peaches in self defense, and the mean drunk parole officer was a violent abusive jerk and a real threat to that kid and his family. It turns out Joe never killed Candice either, but once he killed Beth I lost all respect and sympathy for him. If he truly loved her he would've let her go, even if that meant they would never be together.
His whole spiel was about protecting her at any price, but in the end he was just a hypocrite. He didn't have to kill her. There were other options. He could've made a deal with her where he lets her go. Say in exchange for her silence he makes her a promise to stay out of her life forever, and as long she keeps her mouth shut her and her friends will stay alive. For extra assurance he could've even recorded her making a false confession where she admits to murdering her friend Peaches. There was no evidence against Joe, and even by small chance she went to the police they would have nothing on him to warrant an arrest. On the other hand he would her confession on tape. At worst his reputation would be tarnished and he might be forced to leave NYC.