MovieChat Forums > Joker (2019) Discussion > Bronx resident throw eggs πŸ₯š at tourist ...

Bronx resident throw eggs πŸ₯š at tourist visiting steps the Joker πŸƒ danced on


That's a rough area. Best to avoid.


So... it's a typical area of the Bronx?


No, it's bad even by Bronx standards. The stairs are located within the confines of the 44th Pct.

Dark red = bad:


I figured. I just wanna make fun of the Bronx.


So much for those stories about the Bronx being gentrified


That's brilliant. Make sure to remind everyone of what a sh*tty area that is.


No, on the contrary, it's to teach these stupid ass tourists and hipsters to stop treating residential areas of NYC like a theme park. People live here but whenever a movie or TV show features a NYC location, these morons will start muscling their way into neighborhoods where people are just living their lives and act as if they're in Disneyland, dropping trash, trampling flowers and sitting on people's stoops.

The worst part is that their interest is hypocritical. They'll only take interest in certain areas until they become "cool." Until then, they'll write those areas off as uninteresting because of who lives there. Those staircases have always been in The Bronx. If you're even remotely interested in NYC you'd know that but these people never cared enough about NYC to be aware of them. Hell, this might've been the first time those hipsters even ventured into The Bronx.


Oh, of course! And the best way to engage another human being is always to throw things at them. What else can he possibly do??? Like I said, brilliant! They learned a valuable lesson from his "teaching" moment -- that there's more to that area than a stereotype. More people will surely visit the neighborhood and patronize their businesses now! Those stairs should be always be preserved as that dangerous place where even residents know it's a not good idea to go there alone. Now everyone is "aware" of that shitty reputation! So interesting! Silly to shift a perception as a bridge to change when you can double down on it. Welcome to Highbridge -- now get the fuck outta here! Such an eloquent spokesman for the area. At his age, I'm sure he's steeped in Bronx history.


More people will surely visit the neighborhood and patronize their businesses now!

You're kidding me, right? It's the local residents who are patronizing the businesses you're talking about, not hipsters and transplants. In fact, hipsters and transplants are the ones most responsible for driving moms and pops out of business because they would rather have crappy chains like Starbucks, Whole Foods and 7-Eleven than use an indie store. Go out to Russian-Jewish Midwood or Caribbean Flatbush, see how much "business" visitors have brought to the indies in these areas. Oh, wait, the indie bakeries, bodegas, ice cream parlors, pharmacies, vegetable stands, eateries, etc. are all being pushed out of business and replaced with chains. Never mind.


Ah, more tribal nonsense. Do you remember when there was no "Caribbean" Flatbush at all? But yet it changed, didn't it? Would you endorse those who fought against that? Those who lived there before who didn't like that "muscling"? How bout Highbridge? That guy didn't look Irish to me. That's who used to live there. There was no "boogie down" back then. Areas evolve. The idea that you have an eternal claim to how it is while you're living there is nonsense. Every neighborhood was once the new neighborhood that some current residents complained about.

And you avoided the rest b/c you have no answer to his lack of basic decency. So shift to the atomicgirl batshit spiral that extrapolates from those stairs to the ends of the earth of all these issues. The idea that you'd defend that type of behavior against such a nothing speaks volumes about you.


Ah, more tribal nonsense. Do you remember when there was no "Caribbean" Flatbush at all? But yet it changed, didn't it?

Don't talk down to me about why neighborhoods change in this city because I'm old enough to have seen the many changeovers here. The reason why Flatbush changed is the same reason why every neighborhood in NYC changed. Every generation, there's an influx of immigrants. The immigrants do all the jobs that nobody wants to do, gain social mobility and then move out of apartment buildings to buy houses. Then the next wave move in.

Gentrification is a whole other ballgame, where you've got people living hand to mouth being priced out of their neighborhoods and having their businesses shut down because of cultural vampires from out of town who selfishly drive up rents (by making micro apartments fashionable) and get local businesses shut down for chain stores.

But ah, what's the point? You don't give a shit about any of all this, do you? You're not experiencing any of this directly, so I just expect you to keep lobbing smug comments that don't take into account how people in Chinatown, SoHo, Sunset Park and now Greenwich Village are freaking out because they're being pushed out in favor of luxury towers.

And you avoided the rest b/c you have no answer to his lack of basic decency.

I don't condone any behavior. I just responded to your flippant comments about that video. There's a lot of tension right now reminiscent of what happened in Alphabet City back in the 1980s and 1990s. These guys are wrong for flipping eggs at people but by the same token, it's being very flippant to dismiss the underlying problems that's now getting people angry enough to do that. Simply writing them off is as naive as Yuppies back in the 1980s dismissing all the angry homeless people as "bums" and then wondering why they were suddenly rioting in Tompkins Square Park.


Oh, he's a wrongdoer now? That's quite a shift since you didn't say one bad thing about what he did in two replies -- until I pointed out the absence, that is. Yet "stupid ass" and other insults when describing those others, who you can barely see at the bottom of the stairs, came flying out immediately?! But it's ok -- b/c we all know they're hypocrite "hipsters" who are moving in next week and bringing Starbucks with them the week after that. But in reality, you know nothing about them. And he doesn't know a thing except that they don't look like other people from the area. You fill the guy throwing eggs with context to excuse his anger and elevate it to "teaching" -- but you affix lazy and dismissive labels complete with insults to three silhouettes at the bottom of those stairs. Typical. Only one party was actually doing something wrong in that video. We saw what he did. We heard what he said. He put it on display so we can judge it. It's you who read life stories into those other individuals based on nothing. Only one party left those stairs in worse shape -- but I'm sure he cleaned up that egg mess later -- out of neighborhood pride, right? Yeah, right. No mention of that "trash", huh? It's only hipster mess that irks you.

Just imagine what a friendly interaction might've done. But you can't b/c you'd be snarling and spitting venom right alongside him. That's why it never ends. Contrast the memory those people might've had with a positive interaction. It might've been "Oh, it's not so bad there." instead of "Yeah, that place is awful. We were just taking a pic for 2 seconds when some guy started throwing things at us." And you wonder why they don't visit? That stupid ass reminded them. Gotta make sure the shittiness stays intact. Why would he want any of them to think differently? Brilliant.


God damn you are bitter. Plenty of film locations all over the country (including NYC) where locals won't throw eggs at tourists.


I'm sure he was trying to teach an important sociological lesson by firing eggs at them.


Was it AOC? They should make her a DC villian.


Car 54, where are you?



Haha, this is gold!
