Good Although Uncomfortable To Watch.
It’s true you know, most of what goes on in this film does make you turn away in discomfort despite the fact that you have to look at the screen to watch the movie. Watching the unraveling of a extremely disturbed individual, especially his prolonged & embarrassing laughing outbursts isn’t a easy task.
Joachim’s “Joker” isn’t so much the psychotic crime lord type that Ledger/Nicholson/Leto portrayed to the point of overdoing it in their respective films but rather that of a very well meaning but deeply disturbed person who ultimately did some very bad things.
He didn’t want to blow up a ferry or gas a city, he just wanted some semblance of normalcy but was pushed to the breaking point. His motivations weren’t greed, hate or revenge (yet) or total anarchy as the others were focused on where they didn’t care who they hurt, women, children, the elderly, handicapped etc. In some ways he did care which kinda sets him apart.
Even so what can be said of Arthur Fleck? Did you see someone who had what it took to corral & run the most brutal criminal organizations in Gotham & put them under his thumb? Did any part of him scream “Criminal mastermind” as The Joker truly was? Joker wasn’t just a bloodthirsty psycho, but a natural leader & shrewd business man, a criminal visionary. Ultimately at the end of the day do you all buy that’s what Arthur was, that, that was what THIS Joker was?
Hey I liked this well enough but it’s going to take some convincing to believe that’s what he would go on to become. What do you all think?