MovieChat Forums > Joker (2019) Discussion > No disrespect for Heath Ledger

No disrespect for Heath Ledger

But Phoenix's Joker is better than Ledger's.


Its like comparing great baseball players from different eras... Ruth vs. Aaron etc...

Though only a decade or so apart, Ledger and Phoenix's Jokers were very different acting jobs.

As some have mentioned... Ledger's was already fully formed and he did a great job.
Phoenix shows how a (barely) sane loser slowly turns into a diabolical madman that became Ledger's Joker.


i doubt we would have seen this joker without heath


Without Ledger, probably we would have gone straight to Leto's Joker and he'd be seen as the greatest Joker ever lol.


i still have symphathies for jack though


I'm not sure why but
I just can't find Jacks joker to be creepy. Maby its an 80s thing but Jacks Joker felt the same as he was in the shining. He had that freddy kruger murdours prankster feel more then some one you could be frightened of.
Jacks joker, the shining, Freddy kruger. They all felt the same to me. It wasn't till ledgers rational yet nihilistic joker appeared that a disturbed killer felt plausible on screen.


That makes sense. Tim Burton's Batman and Batman Returns seemed like horror movies for kids.


I kind of like the Joker being a bit comedic in Batman 89. I get tired though of people bashing Tim Burton's Batman and going on about how Nolan's are superior. I like Nolan's Batman movies except the 3rd one. Also frankly Batman 89 Batmobile>>>>>>Some standard military vehicle that just doesn't make me think of the Batmobile at all.


Tim burtons batman was considered the best batman until for some reason every one decided that darker is deeper super hero movies. I can't lie I got caught up in the darker is better but eventually decided to consider movies like tim burtons batman with nolans batman as as apples to oranges. It would be unatural to ask a question like which movie is better Ghost Busters or Alien.


Alien is better.


I agree but not a fair comparison since one is comedy and one is sci-fi/horror.


You can't really compare them when they are basically playing two different characters


They are both the same character, the Joker.


oh really?! I didn't know that!


Now you know.



They are totally differen't characters. Phoenix's joker is disabled yet pushed to the edge by society. Ledgers's joker is very capable in executing his well crafted goals which are driven by unorthodox goals of watching the world burn/die.

They have completly different skill sets and goals to plausibly be the same person.


They are different takes of the same character.


We live in a world of reboots remakes and countinuities. That makes them 1 differnt characters.


You mean 2 different characters?


oh yea sorry about that. 2 differn't characters. Well I see your point they could be 2 versions of the same character from a different universe.


Strongly disagree.


Nicholson was better than both of them....


Nah... but he was better than Leto fo' sure.


The best Joker is the one who interrupted a TV broadcast with an infomercial about poison and danced to Prince....


One of them played the Clown Prince of Crime pretty well with assorted inspired scenes mixed with some underwhelming/poor ones in a moderately good Batman film (which happens to be the best one other than MotP). The other played a mentally handicapped quasi-hobo that killed some folks in self defense, snapped, then killed a guy on tv very very well.

So JP may have been the better actor in this comparison but he was hardly the Joker. The riot at the end made little sense and he being revered made even less. Both films overrated. Both Joker actors did good jobs. One is obviously the Joker and the other has some clown makeup on.


What is MotP?


Mask of the Phantasm. Animated Batman film based on Batman: Year Two. The best Batman film and the only one that doesn't make me roll my eyes at some point or another.


I'll look into it. I've seen Batman: Year One the animated movie, but I don't remember anything special about it. Very forgettable.


Year One is a bit overrated. MotP follows Year Two pretty well and is good. They change some names and a few plot points. "The Phantom" instead of "The Reaper," for instance. It is done in the style of BtAS.


movie was shit


It was teh shit!


I don't think either is better than the other, just different. I enjoyed both performances. As others pointed out, Phoenix gets 2 hours of screen time here vs much less for Ledger.
