Does anyone feel like this show is saying that the rich are spoiled and we should always root for the middle class?
I feel like they're trying to make the Larrusos come off as bad people just because they're rich. It's not like Daniel was born into luxury. He earned his own dealership. He worked hard for it. And I'm tired of fans acting like we should already label Sam as spoiled just because she has money and we should love Tory because she doesn't. Tory is a psycho! I don't care about her whole philosophy on fighting for what is yours. She could have killed Sam with that bracelet of hers! I feel like Miguel was feeling that way about dating Sam acting like because he doesn't have money that she would think above him. Sure in the beginning, she came off as spoiled in the fact that she was hanging out with the popular kids instead of nice girls like Aisha, but later in the series, she stops with those people and is her own person. I feel like that whole hate the rich philosophy worked for the 80s since that was a common trope. But now, it seems outdated for a modern show like this.