5 Best and worst characters
In your opinion who are the best/worst characters to you and why.
Sam - not the worst of the worst, but makes a lot of dumb decisions.
Anthony - small part and whenever he does speak it's annoying.
Robby - I didn't like how he went from bad to good on almost a dime. He just has a look of dishonesty about him, but that may be the point.
Stingray - He has some funny lines/parts but he's really out of place and annoying.
Johnny - Very funny, especially with his flashbacks/dreams and being 'badass'
Kreese - Stone cold bad guy. Still plays it very well.
Hawk - biggest transformation - zero, to badass, to bad guy.
Amanda - Voice of reason; has some funny lines
Daniel - Also really funny, at all the lengths he goes through to 'kick' the competition.
Best characters (original KK cast excluded since we know the original cast will make everyone's best list.)
Amanda - See above^
Hawk - See above^
Miguel - Decent transformation from zero to hero
Carmen - Another voice of reason. Very funny taking part in Johnny's dreams.
Tory - Good motivation for wanting join Cobra Kai. Good foil to Miguel's do-good nature.