MovieChat Forums > Cobra Kai (2018) Discussion > The last season 2 episode came close to ...

The last season 2 episode came close to jumping the shark

So far, I consider Cobra Kai and Ash vs Evil Dead the only respectful continuations of 80s properties, but that last season 2 episode was borderline too over the top and has me worried. Also the trendy lesbian makeout could be foreshadowing of future SJW crap, and the Stingray character is becoming the Jar Jar Binks of this show. Discuss.


The mass fight in the school with the spiked knuckles and Miguel being tossed off of a balcony was really a shameful moment for the show. Especially starting it off with Tori hijacking the school P.A. system to threaten Sam and involving Stingray as school security. I really only watch the show for Daniel, Johnny, and Kreese, while hoping to see other characters from the films.


It all went a bit high school musical there! I was kind of expecting some choreographed dancing to kick off among the background characters as the kids approached each other from opposite directions...


No, if you want choreographed group fights, watch Arrow on the CW.


Ha ha - you're not wrong there!

I must have watched the first half dozen or so episodes of that show, which I thought was ok story-wise, before the campness of those fights (usually bare-chested as well if I remember correctly) became just too cringeworthy.

Same with Daredevil.


Gay people exist. Having a 3 second scene showing two girls isn't "SJW crap" it's just showing that there are gay people; or bi in Moon's case.

It was entertaining, but I agree the brawl was a little silly. It started out funny - I literally burst into laughter when Stingray started to bust up the brawl, but the more and more it went on, it was pretty ridiculous. Fun, but a little much.


Anytime people go on a witch hunt looking for "SJW Crap", they becoming the very thing that they hate the most.

The Lesbianism is fine, it extends the story around Hawk and his alienation and resentment.

Show is not politically correct as the lead character Johnny makes fun of people's physical problems as well as racially insensitive like when he first encounters Miguel. Another white guy is portrayed as being a wise teacher and a good guy which is also outside the norm.


One of the things I love about the show is that it is decidedly NOT SJW. Sure, they showed Moon kissing another girl, but the point of that scene was to pile on to Hawk's building anger, yet even with that anger, Hawk just said that's cool and walked away, respecting Moon's wishes.

An SJW show would also play up Aisha's identity as a black girl and how she's being oppressed by the White Man. But to my pleasant surprise Aisha is treated as an individual with her own unique story, rather than everything being a function of her race and gender.

I can't remember where I read it, but someone praised Cobra Kai for displaying "tolerance without the pandering".

That said, Stingray almost didn't fit, but I will admit, I laughed a lot. And the brawl at the end was awesome from a martial arts point of view and maybe too over the top, but then again, from an entertainment standpoint, they needed to top the tournament from last season somehow.


Well its following the movies. From not too.over the top in part one and increasingly over the top by part 4. The last ep was no more over the top than part 4. Wait until they bring in Terry silver...lmao..


Not at all. For 19 episodes people were fighting all the time, and rarely getting any serious injuries. It was bound to happen at some point.

And this show isn't over the top SJW, it makes fun of woke snowflakes. They just showed one character who turned out to be bi.


Finally got through this show. The Season 2 final episode did come close to jumping the shark. The epic running HS karate fight was ridiculous. My wife is a school teacher and she commented how a few dozen kids would be suspended for weeks or sent to "trouble-maker" emotionally disturbed schools, or jail. Many HS have an assigned police officer who would have been hosing down the fighters with pepper spray etc. It was just way too big and went on for way too long. Johnny losing his dojo the formerly homeless loser, etc. Its like the show doubled-down 2-3 times on cliffhanger crap. Really down note on what was a very enjoyable if campy show. All that stated, I'll give season 3 a watch and hope they right the ship.


No more ridiculous than a billionaire taking time off from his corporation to stick it to an old man and teenage kid to help his old war buddy get revenge. Lol....


Fair point. I barely remember the sequels.


They are bad and good in their own way. Still fun to watch. Nothing in the Cobra Kai series has been any more over the top than anything in the films. In fact I think they are intentionally keeping it a bit cheesy. Which is right in par. They are respecting ALL the canon from all the movies.


Lol, there was nothing wrong with the lesbian kiss thing. It was just there to make Hawk feel like a loser, which he was.

Newsflash! Lesbians exists! And teenagers today are more open about their sexuality. It is not SJW crap. It’s a show about teenagers in 2019, what do you expect?

As for Stingray. I like him. He’s funny and the school would be smart in hiring him in security. He’s the only one that can handle a school of hard trained Karate Kids.


There were lesbians in the 80s too, but no lesbian kisses in ANY Karate Kid movie. It IS SJW crap creeping into this series.


There were lesbians in the 1980s, but they weren’t as open about it as in 2019. Being gay is more acceptable now.

This is a silly thing to get angry about.


I think Stingray is an amusing character. I'm fine with the lesbian kiss, honestly I was surprised it took so long to get to.

I have to say that all the rampant, consequence-free underage drinking is disappointment and, I think, unrealisitc, given the massive size and openness of those situations. Not just once, but several times in the series...


Underage consequence-free drinking happens a lot and it’s been a constant in teenage movies for decades.

Plus, some of those parties happened in more privileged neighborhoods, which tend to suffer less consequences.


Less privileged neighborhoods are more stringent concerning drinking, really?


I am just saying the law applies harder on less privileged people. Rich people can get away with more.


Do tell, share a few examples for me.


Yes, a staple for years, but seems to be much less in past decade or so. I'm talking the whole-house or outdoor park with 30+ teens openly drinking...which happened at least 3 times. Not that it goes on, but that it goes on in such large numbers.

I remember Dazed and Confused set in 1976 and it was like "you crazy kids, try not to get carried away" with 100+ teens in the woods with kegs and it was like...yep, that's how it was. Growing up in the mid- to late-80s, we had to be more discrete, but mostly tolerated. By 90s and since, far higher stakes and smaller parties. Just sharing some general yet anecdotal observations.


And did you notice, there’s constant depictions of drinking and driving on the show? Not by teens, but Johnny does it constantly. This is way more socially incorrect than underage drinking.


Yes I did. Good point.
