Is this a joke or for real?

IMDb lists this as a series (2018-) but no such thing has aired as of late July 2019, nor have I heard of it before. The logo looks like AMC but the poster could have been photoshopped by anyone. TWD title font is easy enough to find. Not that IMDb ever gets things wrong, of course πŸ˜† ... but a fan prank or a real project that's behind schedule?

It would be cool to see a different part of the world. I remember back in season 1 of the original Dr. Jenner laying out a timeline where America was overtaken but 60 more days passed before the disease started showing up everywhere else. So Europe would've gotten over two months' warning and knew what they were dealing with - you'd expect them to fare a lot better. Civilization wouldn't totally collapse like it did in the US. Governments would continue to function. Still major problems though, and some areas probably would end up as bad off as America. This environment of order mixed with chaos would give producers a chance to tell different kinds of stories than we've seen so far in TWD and FTWD.


The walking dead: CW'd to fuck.


If the storyboards they showed illustrate what they want to do with this, it's potentially a good concept. Potentially. AMC will have to be a little more generous with their budget to do this right and, yes, keep it from becoming drama and angst ridden CW style crap with the zombie apocalypse as a backdrop. A significant part of their demographic would be turned off by that and the series wouldn't last long.
