I liked the way... (spoilers)
...the victim ghosts helped Finney to help himself escape, to be honest:
He's told to dig a hole by a victim, but that project is halted as it would take too long.
Then another victim tells him to find a hidden cable under the wall, and even though it looks like Finney will be able to open the basement window by climbing the cable as a rope, the bars come away and he again fails.
Then he's told by another victim to break through a wall to the back of a freezer, but he can't get out of the freezer, but he does throw meat out of it so he can climb to the doors.
Finally, on the eve of his murder, his best friend victim tells him to make the black phone receiver into a weapon by putting dirt into it to make it heavier as a club, then being taught the optimum martial art move to deliver devastating blows.
And all of this comes in useful in defeating the Grabber, as:
Finney uses the cable rope to trip up the Grabber as he lunges for him, the Grabber falls into the hole that Finney dug and breaks his ankle, the receiver club comes in useful for battering the Grabber about the face and head, the cable is used again to strangle the Grabber to death as his victims taunt him over the receiver and Finney breaks his neck, and finally, the thawed meat from the freezer comes in ever so useful for distracting the Grabber's vicious dog that he brought in with him.
I thought this was a great movie for the budget, and I hope it does well in the box office.