Underage blowjob

What's the statement being made in this movie about the blowjob offer turned down by Cliff?

1-He's too cool for a skank like that one
2-He's really conscious about legal problems with the possibility she's underage
3-He's gay
4-He's a real man, thus doesn't need this sort of "favors" from easy trashy little girls
5-He's taking a stand against Polanski's depravity/weakness and his statutory rape

I forgot to add, 6-He thinks she's not gonna be good at it


1, 2, 4, 5 and 7 He's showing moral character as Reds says.



6-He did not know exactly where that mouth had been, but had a pretty good idea.


Well but that goes for ANY bj, most mouths have been in places you'd rather not know.


Think about how often in the film Cliff Booth is contrasted with Roman Polanski. It’s quite often. The scene is there to show us what a real man would do and what a worm like Polanski would do in the future.


Mmm, that's interesting. Where else are they contrasted? He drives a muscle car vs a faggity show~off car, and is dressed as a beach bum vs a faggity show~off, where else?


The scene where Polanski walks out to the expensive poolside in a robe and his poodle, or whatever it was, is barking and he throws something to make it go away in annoyance while sipping some expensive drink.


Cliff returns home to his trailer, in a not so good section of town, and lovingly feeds and talks to his pit bull while drinking a can of beer and watching tv.


Yeah, that too


Everyone here is making this damn complicated.

The scene just shows us how "simple" Cliff's character is.
He's a simple person. Practical. Pragmatic, as someone else put it.
It's not about morality. It's about simplicity, and keeping things as simple as possible.

Underage blowjob. Illegal. Won't do it..because it could make the situation more complicated, having to avoid the law.

Another example...3 intruders in the house. Got a guard dog.
Use the dog to attack all of 'em.
That's simple.

This contrasts with Rick's character, who makes his own situation more complicated than it actually is.
Hell, much of the film's energy is centered around the drama Rick creates for himself by wallowing in the past and trying to move on.
This contrast between complexity and simplicity is what makes the chemistry between Rick and Cliff's character so interesting.


Ok but your conclusion is a bit simplistic too.
Also simple is "nice girl asks to suck my cock while driving. Let her and enjoy the ride".
HE complicates things by asking her for her age and proof of id. That's not simple.
If anything, it's a convoluted way to turn her down without offending her, like Redsfan pointed out.


I’m telling ya, that scene is all about Polanski.


Mrmojo4700, what do you mean?


There is a lot of comparing Cliff Booth to Roman Polanski throughout the film. When Booth turns down the underage girl your supposed to ask yourself what Roman Polanski would do in the same situation


That's a good point.


Next time you watch it look for all the scenes where Booth and Polanski are in similar situations.


Will do.


You're not understanding what I'm saying.
Consequentially, it would make things more complicated to break the law. The consequences of saying "yes" would be another thing on the plate to avoid/deal with. But by saying no, there's no consequences to deal with. That's why saying "no" is more simple.


Yes I understand you.
Only, he does not say no, he comes up with a convoluted chat about age verification.
He has no real proof of her age. Also, the very easy way would be to mind his business and let her hitch another ride. Same thing at the ranch, see how the way he behaves is the opposite of simple.


How would he run into trouble with the law by taking her to the ranch? Again, I'm talking about consequential simplicity.


He has no idea who she is or what she's after.
Infact, she's a dangerous, deranged vagrant, part of a criminal group.
Because of this lift to this girl, he is verbally and phisically attacked. He manages well because he's Cliff, but he digs himself into complicated, risky situations.


Risky doesn't mean complicated.


No it does not, that's why I also wrote complicated, because they are not simple.

He is direct, blunt, determined, stubborn, and so are his methods. I don't see him as simple, in most cases he's the opposite (see also how he treats his dog).






You got it!


why post this junk?


Why not?


I think moral issues and also he doesn't wanna go to jail.. mostly the last one.

Although his character is apparently quite good, except for the wifey but I don't think he killed her TBH


I think it's a combination of 1,2, and 4 on your list (1 & 4 are basically the same btw) I interpreted that he did have some attraction towards her based as on multiple occasions he sees her while driving, engages with her in long flirtatious smiling and waving but was "put off" in a way by how easily she offered him oral sex , and responding in a truly surprised manner "Nobody ever asked me that before" after he asked about her age suggesting she probably offers to blow most guys who give her rides.

So Cliff's declining the offer I think boiled down to her possibly being underage "No poontang is worth going to the big house over) and he likely considered himself "above" the weaker, more desperate kind of men she has encountered who would readily accept cheap sexual favors (No questions asked) from a cute hippie girl who probably gives them out like candy.


Goodness, I didn't know we had so many puritans on moviechat. lol...

If you re-watch the entire scene, I would have to say the answer is #2. He just doesn't want to get arrested for doing it with someone that's underage. No morals clause in my view. But I am a bit taken aback by the choice of words in your OP, Heisenberg. Are we to believe that "any" girl that offers sex to a guy that happens to be older than she is is a "skank" or a "trashy little girl", or would that be just a Manson girl? You might need to clarify this one. I never quite understood this line of thinking that some males have from time to time.

Any man that would view this girl as a "skank" is ignorant. Not to mention, it's a really old way of viewing sexuality. It's usually just puritans or hardcore religious nuts that think like this...

It was kind of funny how Cliff was viewing her in a somewhat sexual manner when he saw her on the side of the road but turned her down when she offered it. This is just something you see in movies. Guys don't turn girls down unless they just don't want to get arrested. Plus, I'm not sure what the age of consent laws were back in the 60s. I doubt they were as harsh as they are today. Not likely he would have gone to jail for just getting a BJ from her.

However, I can see Cliff proceeding carefully after Pussycat tells him where she's living. Once Cliff knows this girl is living at Spahn Ranch, he made the decision to become a "detective" and try to find out what's going on there. The fact that he used to work there made him curious. So, this could have also influenced his decision to turn her down but nothing in the movie says he thought she was a "skank" or that QT was taking a jab at Polanski.
