just seen it, and liked it
Put off seeing it due to avalanche of negative reviews calling it worst DCEU etc and silly Wish Stone plot (which sounded awful) plus I didn't like WW1 all that much (and didn't get why it was so lauded)
Was planning to get on dvd on ebay when cheap (like I did with WW1) but never bothered, but spotted the dvd in CEX for ridiculous low price so got it and been watching it in parts over past couple nights and I have to say its pretty good!
First of all its set in the 80s so feels abit like the Christopher Reeve Superman films (& Supergirl'84) as id heard it did and as the director intended (presumably she skipped doing a WW2 set in WWII to get to the Superman set 80s, as well as an almost continuation of the 70s WW series) but it felt more the Richard Lester Superman II/III silliness than the Donner Superman The Movie 'verisimilitude' which is good bc i love the Lester Superman films (and SIV). The villian is overthetop abit like Gene Hackman (and confronting the president/battle in the White House feels very Superman II), the wishstone plot is ridiculous but then so are the plots of most superhero films, in fact it felt abit similar to Superman III/Supergirl (plus WW deals with magic/gods etc like Thor so its not that 'out there' for WW)
there are some great scenes like the invisible jet/fireworks and WW taking on the armoured trucks/her first flight (thought the FX looked particularly good a blend of CG/real), Pine was good and the relationship felt real/fun/sad (and not all that creepy like lots of reviews said) even Kirsten Wiig as Cheetah was fun and the end transformation/fight was very 80s 'Cat People' creepy (and providing WW a superpowered villain directed by the human villain like Superman II & IV), the new suit feels like a step up sequel thing .. 80s style score is cool (with some homages to other stuff)
All in all I'd say its one of the better DCEU films! (obviously it suffered at the box office as WBros released it in cinemas/streaming same time in thick of the pandemic , if not it probably would've made at least 500-600m to WW1s crazy 800m)
I'll finish it tonight WW confronting Max Lord..