Utterly terrible, makes Spiderman 3 look like Citizen Kane
I mean non stop comedy, every scene with Eddie and Venom is damn near unwatchable, just slapstick comedy galore. Venom just never shuts the fuck up, its a small miracle Eddie isn't driven insane and medicated with this nails on a chalkboard voice constantly yammering in his head.
Venom goes to a rave and mic drops? he befriends chickens? just fucking terrible. And this is called Let There Be Carnage? theres no carnage in this fucking movie, theres comedy thats it.
Its just such a damn shame they finally got the chance to do a live action Carnage movie and this dogshit is what they gave us. And Carnage doesn't even feel like a threat, he's dealt with rather quickly and it doesn't take much effort.