Such a Fun Show

I love that this show appeals to us 30-40-something's nostalgia about the toys we played with as kids. Heck, even the Baby Boomer generation can get something out of this. I showed the first 5 minutes of the "Barbie" episode to mom, since she was a little girl when Barbie was first invented, and got to collect and play with the first dolls available. (Fun fact: did you know the very first Barbie doll was a brunette?)

Today I finally convinced my dad and brother to watch the "He-Man" episode, and they loved it, just like I thought they would :D. The parts about the cartoon made us all laugh, but then again, the comments made by the toy line's creators cracked us up too xD.

I promised them I wouldn't force them to watch episodes such as the "My Little Pony" episode. I can watch that privately on my own ;).
