not good

Daniel Radcliffe did (NOT - edit) 'come to daddy' and that was actually pretty decent, if you overlook the boring first half.

This movie though - is dumb through and through - lots of gore, idiotic plot, lots of action, lots of fast switching scenes for today's ADD generation.

So, watch 'come to daddy' but ignore this film, if you can - that's my advice.

Edit - seems like I made an error - Radcliffe is not in 'come to daddy'.


Yeah nice troll post Scumbag. Saying Radcliffe and Wood are the same person isn’t funny it’s sad humor by you.


jeez - fuck, you're right. I mix up these child stars all the time. My bad.


Come to think of it, apparently I'm not the only one making that mistake -


I found it extremely enjoyable. Sure, it's stupid, through and through, but this kind of movie requires you to shut half your higher brainfunctions off, and just enjoy it for what it is. I was laughing so many times.

Your mistake is not realizing this movie is just taking the piss - it's not even taking itself seriously by any measure.

Come to Daddy was also enjoyable. So, can recommend both to anyone wondering! ;)


Just finished the film....

Quite Enjoyed it...

although I did not like most of the action sequences, They way they were shot just completely took me out of it...

the director was clearly going for a completely unique style, But for me, It just didnt work...

But very much enjoyed the movie...I thought Samara Weaving was fantastic and completely OWNED the movie


She owns any film she's in.

Anyway, this was great trashy fun – some people just need to learn to not take everything so seriously.


Yeah, movie seemed like an overly long music video. The director was just trying too hard with the camera movements. Still, some of the banter were funny.


I expected something different, but as soon as I realised it was as goofy as all the Deadpool movies, but with less... interestingly intelligent dialogue, I edged towards it.

It had some good moments, and some that were meant to be good, but left my face unchanged from the moment before the things that happened, happened, making me realise it was supposed to do something, but hadn't.. but I accept that.

all in all, if you're expecting Avengers with run of the mill action sequences and inevitable ending, this won't fit your bill.. You're a pellican and you need fish.

but if you are unexpecting of anything, as I wasn't... then perhaps you're a seal and will eat everything thrown at you and regurgitate the bits you don't like. Which is usually the bits that shouldn't have been there in the first place.

A good time waster. I give it 0 out or 5 naps, and 4 out of 5 chuckles. but.. yeah... he's a broke unemployed coder who suddenly has the resources of batman at the end. lets just not dwell on it...
