MovieChat Forums > Roseanne (1988) Discussion > She looks better than she did thirty yea...

She looks better than she did thirty years ago

Not that she was, nor ever will be, supermodel material, but her looks, IMHO, have improved.


It's very apparent that she works much harder on her diet now. The biggest difference is her weight. We also live different lifestyles today with far more information about health and fitness. in the 90's internet was something rich friends and librarys had today anybody with a phone can google healthy diets and exercises.

In the 90's drinking soda, eating chips, and having meals made of cheeseburgers and pizza was very common. Today people typically drink soda and eat chips more sparingly. It's fairly easy to cut 1-3k in daily calories by cutting out sugar that can cause a 1-5 pound per week weight loss.

I think what we can take away is while she had a more unhealthy lifestyle in the 90's she had age on her side. Now it's the reverse. Also goes to show you are never too old to get in shape and be healthy.


Some disagreement there - our current obesity rates are slightly higher than in the 90s, so though we do have more access to immediate information (and changing nutritional knowledge), I'm not sure that lifestyle improvements have quite taken so much hold. Also, in addition to being wealthy enough, like you mention, to have access to the early web, Roseanne had money for the best nutritionists and trainers of the time. So Idk, maybe it just took her ages but finally she's taken advantage of that. And/or, I think, has addressed some psychological issues in connection to life-long binge eating.
Either way you're right that she's healthier.


I don't think soda and chips are being consumed more 'sparingly' these days.


You could be right... I'm just basing it on my experience. Growing up in the 90's it was a way of life to drink soda like water and snack on various types of chips throughout the day. I feel like around 2000 bottled water became a big deal and replace most peoples sodas. Then around 2010 fitness became huge on youtube and all the sudden bodybuilding became a lifestyle for many young people.

Just my experience I'm not claiming this is true for everybody or even most people.


I suppose it depends on the community. Where I live people seem more out of shape now than they did 10 years ago. I'm actually in pretty lousy shape with a bad diet myself but when I was doing the fitness games on Xbox it told me that I was in better shape than 73% of men my age. I believe this to be true, but it's also a very sorry statistic.


I agree. She looks pretty good.


But she sounds like a 20-pack-a-day trucker. You know who looks really good? Sarah Chalke.
