From haunting to hopeless

I found the first three episodes of The Haunting of Hill House to be very frightening. In fact, I found it so spooky it made me uncomfortable. As the series began to settle in and the character arcs played out, I ultimately found it hopeless and full of despair. The main characters never look to God (except when they’re taking His name in vain), and allow the situation to spiral out of control with no sense of hope or redemption. That it all ends up in a goofy, New Age hodgepodge of ‘the happy ghost family’ is the only outcome possible, and that’s depressing.

Your mileage may vary.


"The main characters never look to God (except when they’re taking His name in vain)"
And that is an issue because...........?


.....because the Bible makes it clear taking God’s name in vain is very serious. Don’t agree? Take it up with the author.


This may shock you, but quite a lot of people don't believe in your religion or even take it seriously. When you write things like that you're more likely to earn laughter than anything else.




Of course it earns laughter, the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing (1 Corinthians 1:18).


How do you think about the parts of your bible which command folks to commit genocide, forbid the eating of shellfish, and give advice on the right way to treat your slaves? Is it all good or do you pick and choose what to listen to?


As a Christian, the Law has been fulfilled by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, so I can eat all the shellfish I like. :) The Bible is a complete telling of God’s plan, how humans have corrupted it, and how we can have redemption and salvation through Jesus. Yes, there are many passages that can seem cruel or archaic. Part of that is cultural, part of that is our sinful nature. Mankind always reaps what it sows.

Hope that answers your questions. I do find it fascinating that we’re 2000+ years later and Jesus is still intimidating people.


Jesus doesn't intimidate anyone, What is scary, though, is how thoroughly brainwashed people like you just shrug off a text that encourages slavery and genocide.

What this tells me is that you have nothing that even remotely resembles a moral compass and that your religion could easily be used to manipulate you into supporting or even performing monstrous acts.


Shrug it off? I answered your question the best I could. I’m praying that your eyes and heart will be opened to a savior who loves you.

Oh, and I can’t be manipulated into supporting or doing monstrous deeds. My faith is built on a rock, THE rock. That rock has absolutes. Ever wonder why atheists are always so agitated? A life built on shifting sands will do that to you. He’s knocking, just open the door.


Oh, absolutes? Howabout the absolute that slavery and genocide are never, under any circumstances, justifiable, and always evil.

That's an absolute most atheists, such as myself, hold to. But your bible does not, which makes your religion one based on absolute evil.


I’m praying for you.


".....because the Bible makes it clear taking God’s name in vain is very serious."

The series is completely free of any religious mambo-jambo despite the "ghost topic" and I am VERY grateful for tthat as someone who is really fed up with religion and the fairy-tales of almighty skydaddy watching us all.

Don't like it? Take it up with the writers.


It is a Netflix show what do you expect?
