Anyone Excited for this?

So I just discovered this yesterday....I read an article about it premiering on Netflix....

I did some research found out what its about , found out Its kind of remake of The 1999 films The House on Haunted Hill(which I did Not Like) but Obviously they are making this into a series....

I enjoy Ghost/Paranormal movies, But for some reason after reading about this series, I just had no real interest in Watching it....

Then today, I stumbled cross the fact that Its Directed By Mike Flanagan....Whom IMO Is a very good director, He recently directed Ouija: Origins of Evil and It was Levels better than Its Predecessor

Once I learned He directed this series, I immediately wanted to watch it....

I just finished the first Episode...Its very good ....I highly recommend it....

I'm actually Glad I didn't Know about this show or The fact that Flanagan was Directing before today, Because I would have really been Anticipating it had I known....

Anybody else plan on watching this or excited about it?


The House on Haunted Hill is a different story than The Haunting of Hill House. The latter is Shirley Jackson's classic novel. The first film based on it was called The Haunting, made in 1963, which is also a classic and is excellent. There was a terrible remake of it in 1999. Awful, despite having a great cast.

I just came across Netflix's The Haunting of Hill House and paused it about 10 minutes in to see if anyone's seen it yet, and what they thought.

Haven't seen anything of Mike Flanagan's, so no opinion there, nor much about this new series. I started watching it because Shirley Jackson's novel is a masterpiece, as was the first film rendition of it. If you haven't seen it, and it sounds like you haven't, check it out.


I just came across Netflix's The Haunting of Hill House and paused it about 10 minutes in to see if anyone's seen it yet, and what they thought.


I'm on Episode 3....Its been Great So Far....The Actress that play Young Shirley is Fantastic....

Story wise were getting constant flashback from The Present and The Past, They are telling 2 stories at the same time....Telling The Story of their childhood living in the house and what taking place now is the present....

again for literally knowing nothing about it, Just learning about it the day of and turning it on....I'm pretty HOOKED and really enjoying it!


I'm now about 20 minutes into the 2nd episode. You're right about the constant flashbacks. Makes it confusing, because it's not always clear what's a flashback, and what isn't.

You're lucky you know nothing about it. For me, knowing having vast appreciation for Jackson's novel, and the first film base on it, this is rough going. There's not much in here based on it, and the original story and characters are what I found so compelling, so for me this is disappointing. But I'm still willing to give it more time.

Glad you're hooked and enjoying it so much.


Man I just finished Episode 3....

It was literally one of the best single Episodes I've ever seen in any TV series Period!

It was absolutely fantastic!


Cat, stick with it, IF you can let go of the novel, which I know is hard for you. This seems to be a family-driven drama, which I almost always find boring, with a subset of horror and the macabre that I find compelling, It’s like having a Hamburg mixed with an intoxicating BBQ sauce, and raw onions.


have u got to episode 3 yet?


You hit the reply button below billbrown2071's post instead of mine, so I didn't know you'd replied to me, R_K.

I am having trouble getting past the fact that not only does it have almost nothing to do with the story, be it the novel or the brilliant 1963 adaptation of it. Also, I keep falling asleep, and Netflix carries on streaming from one episode to the next! I wake up, don't know which episode I left off on before departing for the land of Nod, watch some more, repeat and rinse.

I did note some good acting, so may try to find my way back to where I lost the plot.


I hit your Reply button, but the site decided that it knew better than I did. Electronics behaved better on Star Trek.


My poor, sweet Catbookss. I can see how Netfix’s constant-play feature can become VERY confusing if you doze off, then wake up and try to figure out where you are!


Not confusing, R_K, as it'd be difficult to not realise one had fallen asleep during the watching. But annoying to have to backtrack and figure out where one had left off.

I've now tried this show again, and have to say I just can't engage with it. It's too obvious for my taste, and therefore is not either frightening or creepy. I can't suspend my sense of disbelief for it.

Even if they'd titled it something other than The Haunting of Hill House, or The Haunting, which they should have done because character names aside, it had virtually nothing to do with the novel or the masterpiece 1960s film that actually was based on it, and made it its own entity, it lacks the psychological subtlety of either, which made it easy to suspend any sense of disbelief, and *did* make it both frightening and creepy.

Have you ever read the novel or seen the original adaptation? My guess is you haven't, and I highly recommend both.

I'd have no objection to an intelligent modernisation of the original, and in fact would be very interested in seeing it, if it were well done. It's that this has none of the characteristics that drew me to them, and which one would reasonably assume would be present in this, given its title.


"It was literally one of the best single Episodes I've ever seen in any TV series Period!"

This is one of the funniest thing I have ever read. This confirms it....You're a bullshitter LMAO.
You don't love the show at all, you have clearly been paid to praise it and defend it at every cost.

Literally nothing even slightly mindblowing or even interesting happens in episode 3...This freak is either lying or completely deluded lol.
I'll cracking up over this all day..


I was curious but ten episodes? Nonsense. Cut it down to a movie or get bent.
