Some questions and thoughts (major spoilers)
!) Why didn't they move their main living area down into the soundproof room? Seems like they could've led more of a normal life down there.
2) You would think that the entire animal population would be wiped out, since animals make noise all the time in their normal lives.
3) He had a shotgun? Seriously? Why didn't he take it with him everywhere he went? Why take your exposed family into town without a weapon when you have one?
4) In such a dangerous environment, why would you let your youngest child walk thirty feet behind you?
5) The newspapers mentioned three of these creatures, but that was obviously local. Was the same thing happening all over the country? And where were the armed forces, with their heat-targeting jets and missiles?
6) Speaking of shotguns, these things could be killed by a single shotgun blast? Seriously? There's enough guns in this country to kill these things a thousand times over. Lots of folks would be happy to use these creatures for target practice. Just set up some amplifiers, get about a 100 rednecks with shotguns, and start playing 'Sweet Home Alabama' at full blast. The creatures wouldn't stand a chance.
7) In the same vein, there were other fires burning at night, letting us know there were other pockets of survivors. Why wouldn't they think of getting together and creating a plan to kill these creatures? Get some sticks of dynamite and put them next to a speaker in the basement of an abandoned house. Turn the speaker on and when the creatures show up, BOOM!
8) Why not run the town's fire siren all day?
9) It's weird enough that they had to put the baby in the box when it cried, but what were they planning on doing when it was older, say 1 to 4 years old when it couldn't be reasoned with to be quiet?
10) So the girl was basically responsible for both her brother and her father being killed. Why wouldn't she have made sure he didn't take the batteries, when she knew they were the real danger? (And why wouldn't the parents let him have the space shuttle without the batteries?) And the girl took too long to realize her hearing aid was scaring away the creatures. If she would've realized it sooner, like in the corn silo, her father would still be alive.
11) Why didn't he let his daughter go down into the basement?
That's all I've got for now. Despite all that, I enjoyed the movie. Very tense at times. The ending was too abrupt though, and denied the audience a really cool scene.