Thank goodness this is not canon
This game, as epic as some of the cutscenes are--and there are a LOT, has totally butchered the lore of not only J R R Tolkien's works, but Peter Jackson's movies upon which this game is based.
- Shelob does not and has never taken the form of a woman.
- Sauron does not serve anyone EXCEPT Morgoth.
- There was no Bright Lord.
- There was never a Bright Ring alternative to the One Ring.
- Isildur was never a Nazgul.
- The Witch King of Angmar does not have the same voice as Sauron.
- The rest of the Nazgul do not have the same voice as the Witch King.
- There is no Japanese Kingdom of Shen in the far east beyond Mordor.
- Sauron did not share the top of Baradur with Celebrimbor.
- Celebrimbor did not escape the destruction of Barad'ur Tower at the end of Return of the King, he was NEVER attached to Sauron at the top of Barad'ur.
- Again, there was no alternative to the One Ring of Power, and Sauron was never able to regain the One Ring after Isildur cut it from Sauron's hand with Narsil (sword).
- Minas Ithil fell to Mordor over eight hundred years before the events of Lord of the Rings, mostly due to plague, pestilence, famine, and finally the Orcs/Nazgul of Mordor.
- Sauron did not have his full strength until Return of the King, when he finally unleashed his armies upon Middle Earth. Besides the Orcs of Mordor, which were the majority component of his armies, Sauron also recruited Men of the East, the Haradrim, the Umbar, and others that lived near the Mountains of Shadow and east of Mordor.
- The Witch-King of Angmar was only killed once in his undead form, and that was by Eowyn at the Battle of Pelennor Fields in Return of the King.
- There was never a man named Talion who one-shot a hundred thousand orcs from one side of Mordor to the other, and united Orcs against Sauron.
- On that note, there was never a civil war in Mordor pitting anti-Sauron Orcs against pro-Sauron orcs. Orcs served the dark lord, and that is the end of it.
- There are many more points to make but I feel it's ridiculous at this point...
The game has a terrible interface, extremely repetitive gameplay, terrible music (why the heck didn't they use use some of the amazing tracks from Jackson's Lord of the Rings), and has butchered lore up the wazoo. Not worth anything except mindless entertainment or if you want an alternate take on Tolkien's excellent universe.