MovieChat Forums > X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019) Discussion > I don’t get it, what’s wrong with it?

I don’t get it, what’s wrong with it?

Besides that it’s besically a remake of the last stand lol, I enjoyed it more least they gave Storm her 5 minutes at the end lol.


People are getting tired of woke propaganda.


It's nothing like the original story.

People are now used to Epic films that are sweeping in nature and epic. The original story was huge and emotional. These Fox films are cheaply made and cut down too much to be good.


Here's some of the things that's wrong with it:


No character development. Weak story. Weak characters. Weak character motivations. Overall weak writing. Only one worthwhile action scene on the train. Almost no suspense. Hardly any effective emotion. It doesn't resemble the story from the comics. It didn't live up to Singer's or Vaughn's X-Men films. It didn't even surpass Brett Ratner's. The only other X-Men film that comes close to being as bad as this one is X-Men Origins Wolverine.

Overall. A dumpster fire of a movie.


Lol this movie absolutely well on a technical level overall. It just fails on a narrative level.

So it’s not a dumpster fire.


The only other X-Men film that comes close to being as bad as this one is X-Men Origins Wolverine.
Overall. A dumpster fire of a movie.

Except for the cartoony beginning, "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" is a great superhero flick, so "Dark Phoenix" must be quite good. Thanks!

As for the "dumpster fire" comment, exaggerate much?


Its a dumpster fire just like your posts. Completely void of content. You just said Origins Wolverine would be a great superhero flick if it wasn't for the cartoony beginning. Everyone with a brain knows the worst of that movie is at the end.

Just stop talking.


You just said Origins Wolverine would be a great superhero flick if it wasn't for the cartoony beginning.

No offense, but do you have issues with reading comprehension? What I actually said was: "Except for the cartoony beginning, "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" is a great superhero flick."

I could cite several highlights of this movie, but I'll just point out the nice build-up of mystery regarding Stryker's "island" lab for mutant experimentation. When Wolvie & Gambit fly over it and it's location is finally revealed it's a thrilling revelation. From there the final act just builds to an explosive climax.

I'm guessing your problem with the ending was Deadpool's first cinematic depiction, which is irrelevant because it's a WOLVERINE movie. Not being a fan of Deadpool, I could care less.

"Just stop talking."

It'd be entertaining to see you try to make me.


Origins Wolverine: 37% critics. 58% audience. 47.5 average.
Apocalypse: 47% critics. 65% audience. 56 average.
The Last Stand: 57% critics. 61% audience. 59 average.

Dark Phoenix: 23% critics. 64% audience. 43.5 average.

But... Dark Phoenix is still doing "okay" in the audience score. However its the lowest box-office opening of any X-Men film. Its guaranteed to make the least amount of money.

With all the ways we have to measure a stinker. Dark Phoenix is checking all the boxes.

Oh and feel free to cite all the highlights you want for a movie Fox retconned from the universe. I'm sure it will be a worthwhile endeavor. :)


I respect that you didn't respond in a juvenile manner and cited stats to back up your position.

But those critical/audience stats are immaterial to the individual's personal experience, which is all that matters when appraising any art-form. "Origins: Wolverine" is one of my favorite superhero flicks. Excluding the comic booky action sequence at the beginning, the film totally worked for ME.


I showed scores to provide a general consensus. Otherwise its just me saying I hated something and you saying you liked it.

However lets look at the bigger picture here. You didn't say you liked Dark Phoenix. You said it would be "quite good" based on my assessment of Origins Wolverine. Except I did not compare them to each other stylistically. I flat-out panned Origins Wolverine just like I panned Dark Phoenix. For you to come to the conclusion of "quite good" shows a lack of understanding on your part of what makes a movie quite good.

It also throws your spiel about "individual's personal experience" out the window considering you are attempting to claim you will positively experience something based on my negative experience of something.

Your opinion seems to be rooted in puerility here. A sort of "Haha. You don't like it so it must be good" mentality. But like with most of your posts that kind of puerility does appear to be the common motif.


A movie that doesn't do well at the box office or eventually garners a negative consensus isn't always an indicator that it's bad; it could mean something interesting is going on that's too far out of the norm for mass consumption. "Watchmen" and (believe it or not) "The Wizard of Oz" are good examples. I cite "Wizard" because it bombed when it debuted in 1939 and didn't become popular until after a re-release a dozen years later. Popularity at the box office is very important for people who's opinion of an artistic work needs validated by others (rolling my eyes).

As far as your other comments go, I haven't seen "Dark Phoenix" yet. I was responding to your declaration:

The only other X-Men film that comes close to being as bad as this one is X-Men Origins Wolverine.

To which I replied: "Except for the cartoony beginning, 'X-Men Origins: Wolverine' is a great superhero flick, so 'Dark Phoenix' must be quite good. Thanks!"

You obviously loathe "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" and insist that it's the only X-Men flick that comes close to being as bad as "Dark Phoenix." Since the former is one of my favorite superhero films that puts the latter in good company, as far as I'm concerned.

My reply was simply an amusing 'pattern interruption' to these pompous proclamations you enjoy throwing around in your puerile manner, but I see that you didn't get it.


Well at least you admit your reply was nothing more than a distraction.

Thats more than we got from you when you posted this:

Everyone quickly figured out you were insinuating a new development based on an old article that no longer applied. Then you left to dust yourself off.

Since you admit you are just here to troll and since you have demonstrated you are just here to troll and since all you've done is repeat yourself without adding anything new other than admitting you are here to troll then that pretty much cancels out all the good times and tingly feelings you get from Origins Wolverine.



Well, at least you left a smiley face. :)

It doesn't matter how long ago Stormy Daniels admitted that she didn't have an affair with Trump since most people are not aware of this news because the liberal media rarely reports anything favorable to the President. There's no statute of limitations on news that is still relevant.

Furthermore, I'm not obligated to respond to every post. Who has the time? Plus I know ahead of time that Dem/Lib sheeple will hysterically disagree and mock. What do I care? I think you're all entertaining, which is why I don't put you on 'ignore.'

And I wasn't being a "troll" with my initial reply to you above since I actually meant what I said -- "Origins: Wolverine" IS one of my favorite superhero flicks and so "Dark Phoenix" (which I haven't seen yet) is in good company if you say it's of similar quality or non-quality. At the same time, what I said was a 'pattern interruption' to your delusional proclamations.

Speaking of "troll," your obvious definition of this word is anyone who merely disagrees with you (rolling my eyes).


If you’re a diehard fan, nothing.

It’s not like “Dracula: Dead and loving it” was a box office success but we Mel Brooks fans loved it.

Box office bomb and all.

But these big budget films are expected to make big budget $BUCKS$.


dark phoenix is not a remake of the last stand. it doesn't look like it.


It wasn't perfect, but I've definitely watched much worse that didn't get this kind of wave of negative reviews. I've wondered if Avengers: Endgame coming so close before it has shifted expectations. The X-Men franchise never seemed to have the best scripts, structure, or acting, but they were always entertaining to me. And I was entertained by Dark Phoenix even as I mentally rewrote lines and wished for some casting changes.


I can agree there. Dark Phoenix is really just a bad movie in the context of X-Men movies.
