dudes, the MCU X-Men will be so super awesome they will so blow away the boring Fox Mens shit; the MCU script leaks are rad too especially the scene with Woverine and Magneto:
Magneto (lifts Logan into air magnetically bending his claws): Don't get sensitive nipples Glutton boy! I hid my zucchini in your sterilized mom because she felt like a monster!
Logan: I don't care, You should not have killed my mom....or squished my claws, you big turd blossom!
Magneto: Sometimes, you got to break an egg to make a raccoon turd. [disgusted] You really smell like one.
Logan: Bet you did you know that Wolverines are also called Skunk Bears... and belong to the weasle family, Big Mag.
(unleached Super-Glutton stench from his scent gland )
In FEIGE we TRUST! I was so sad we don't get Guardians of the Raccoon Turd Vo3, but this sound so AWESOME!!!!!! HAHAHA I have famously huge turds all over again!!!11