MovieChat Forums > X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019) Discussion > X-men died with Logan. We'll see them ag...

X-men died with Logan. We'll see them again in the MCU in a couple of years. The rest? Ignore...

Just look at this "Dark Phoenix" trailer. A crap rehash of old story lines with not a trace of the glorious X-Men (2000) left. Tho think "First Class" started off so nicely..
Ah well, all good things must come to an end!


I thought the trailer looked pretty good. It looks a lot better than Apocalypse. No stupid looking Ivan Ooze villain this time.

And, yeah. There's a good chance the actual film will suck. But let's wait and see, eh?


Sure, rainy days aplenty.



Jean only had 13 minutes of screentime in The Last Stand.


dudes, the MCU X-Men will be so super awesome they will so blow away the boring Fox Mens shit; the MCU script leaks are rad too especially the scene with Woverine and Magneto:

Magneto (lifts Logan into air magnetically bending his claws): Don't get sensitive nipples Glutton boy! I hid my zucchini in your sterilized mom because she felt like a monster!

Logan: I don't care, You should not have killed my mom....or squished my claws, you big turd blossom!

Magneto: Sometimes, you got to break an egg to make a raccoon turd. [disgusted] You really smell like one.

Logan: Bet you did you know that Wolverines are also called Skunk Bears... and belong to the weasle family, Big Mag.

(unleached Super-Glutton stench from his scent gland )

In FEIGE we TRUST! I was so sad we don't get Guardians of the Raccoon Turd Vo3, but this sound so AWESOME!!!!!! HAHAHA I have famously huge turds all over again!!!11
