MovieChat Forums > Upgrade (2018) Discussion > Lets see if I got this right

Lets see if I got this right

Eron is a computer genius that created STEM, (this is the part im not clear on - if he made it or it came to him in some other way) And it began to learn, and became smarter than Eron, started to tell Eron how to do things.

A lot more violent than I like, I hate car chases - but a pretty good movie. At the end it was starting to look like he dreamt it all, and I was about get angry because of this the whole thing was a dream nonsense. But what a cool twist - I loved it!


you got it. I'm unsure if Eron already had a chip installed - making him act really weird in the first half, of if the A.I. he'd created simply blackmailed him to do his bidding. But having not run the company for "many years" as he said, STEM was coming up with all the advancements, with Eron getting the credit.

Yes, I thought it was a great plot also. And closer to reality than normal people will ever be able to accept.


I was afraid it was going to be a dream too.


it was a good "feint" with the dream bit

"it was all a dream" endings totally suck balls and ruin most films
