S. Craig Zahler's worst film

Bone Tomahawk and Brawl in Cell Block 99 were great but this was too slow and drawn out. Did not need to be 2 and 1/2 hours.


Can't have this lack of taste remain unpunished. Deleted your account. Come back when you have matured.


No he's right, The movie sucks.


You did the right thing. Rest in peace.






i agree that it's needlessly long.
there is no need for this movie to be 150 blood minutes long.
but it's still great!
so while i agree it's not as good as bone tomahawk or brawl..., it's still a stomping, brutal, regressive good time, and i will absolutely be on board for whatever it is he does next.
i even like that silly puppet master film he wrote.


I prefer *this* over 'Bone Tomahawk' (but still love that movie also)
Although 'Brawl In Cell Block 99' is my favourite out of the three movies.


Me too. The Bone Tomahawk I liked the least of the three movies directed by him, but the difference is slight and I like them all.


Ehh, I have to give it to Bone Tomahawk because of Matthew Fox and Kurt Russell, two of my favorite actors. The action was very visceral and uncompromising and the classic damsel-in-distress hook was used really effectively in Bone Tomahawk. I was on the edge of my seat the entire way through.

Dragged Across Concrete was a little bit different. I love Mel Gibson, so it was always going to be an instant watch for me. It's good for a watch, and the plot unfolds in an intriguing way that requires close attention. But it's not really the sort of film I would find myself ever returning to.

The unpredictable nature of both films are made quite evident, but Bone Tomahawk moves along a bit quicker and I like the action choreography slightly better, maybe because the comeuppance feels a little more rewarding.

Dragged Across Concrete's conclusion left me feeling somewhat empty, and somewhat disappointed, even though I understood that the ending played out logically based on the circumstances and the individuals involved.


The last 10 minutes are so-so, but maybe because it too much contrasts with the darkness before that. Kinda like Blade Runner's good ending.

And I think that it took a bit too much time to get to the point but I liked the writing and can't complain.

The only annoying thing was the political side with which I agree, but looks forced and preachy - during the scene with Don Johnson it is like if they are running for office or something.


Yeah I know what you mean. I think a more logical conclusion -- after the brief shootout in the car -- is that Henry has difficulty trying to move the gold and lives in terror and paranoia for a while. I think the film ending that way would have been the more realistic outcome. The "happy" ending seems more like a dream sequence.

The only annoying thing was the political side with which I agree, but looks forced and preachy - during the scene with Don Johnson it is like if they are running for office or something.

Actually I thought this scene was extremely relevant to today's turmoil unfolding in real life. Cops, even when they do the right thing, are still castigated for it. Like for instance, the one cop shoots a girl wielding a knife in order to prevent her from murdering a another girl and the fake-stream media launch a campaign to get the guy fired and lynched, as if saving someone from being stabbed to death is now racist. It's like... what?!!?

The movie addressing the fact that what the media can use against cops versus what may have actually happened in a situation was quite poignant, as it was one of the defining moments that would later come back to haunt Mel Gibson's character at the end when Henry was using the footage of him killing the woman as leverage over him. That little talk with Don Johnson coupled with Henry's blackmail pushed Gibson's character over the edge in paranoia, because he knew there would be no coming back from that if the video leaked. So I felt that sequence with Johnson and the lead-up to the standoff was great payoff for Gibson's character development.

But I can definitely understand how it can come across as preachy.


The whole blackmail thing doesn't make sense because the blackmailer will implicate himself.

They were clever to make the black guy likeable and win at the end. This is how the movie avoids being called racist, considering the touchy themes. Politics played major part in shaping the story. I support the political stance taken in this movie but could have been more subtle. This is my complain.


Ah I see where you're coming from now.

Yeah I think the more realistic ending would have been a bad ending for Henry, the black guy. But it was obvious the current-day SJWs weren't going to let a film go through where a black guy was not only a criminal but also had a non-happy ending.


i agree that it is his weakest film, but this doesn't mean that it's bad. it's still a solid 7/10


I think it's the lesser of his movies, but I don't think it's a total failure. To me, the main problem is the pacing. The story is exciting, the pacing is not. He wants to be a more street-credible Tarantino. He should just tell the story without excess dialogue.


This was a tough one for me - on one hand I loved that it's kinda anti-movie in that it consistently sets up tropes and then violates them. It takes all this time to build up one side character and then knocks them off with no drama to it whatsoever.

On the other hand it's way too long and drawn out. Even the ending shootout feels needlessly protracted. I am sure it's exciting for people connected to the movie, but to a casual audience it's just dull.

It has a lot of great pieces in it but overall just clunky... kinda like FURIOSA (which I liked portions of but overall just felt bloated and unnecessary to the point of creating boredom and frustration).




a decent film - but yes, drawn out. Should have been 30 minutes shorter. Otherwise, the script is not bad - I'd give it 6/10. Had the edit been tighter - it would have deserved 7/10.

Oh, and I would have also wanted better dialogues - to me, the banter between the cops and the banter between the killers came off identical - where they were all super calculating, cold, etc - not exactly realistic for all of them to sound so cold and robot-like.
