MovieChat Forums > Terminator: Dark Fate (2019) Discussion > Do other people agree that this lame old...

Do other people agree that this lame old man called Schwarzenegger does more damage to the series than good?

Growing up, I used to love Schwarzenegger. I loved his movies, his inspirational speeches in regards to bettering and achieving goals in life etc I still love his 80s and 90s movies.

But ever since he ended his governor nonsense in California, I felt like he declined in his movies somehow.

And then came along the heavily spoiler filled trailers of Terminator Genisys. "He's back!", they kept slapping everyone on fucking magazines like he was Jesus Christ or something. Yes he's back, but should he be? He played a ridiculous role in that movie, and if Arnold was doing it for more than a paycheck, with his star power (and ego), he could easily got them to rewrite the script. Did he? No. Instead he was happy to defecate his iconic T800 role into an old, toupee wearing, constantly smiling, joke cracking, old lovable grandpa called "Pops". Can anybody here not see that Arnold doesn't truly care about the franchise anymore? He hasn't since T2, possibly even T1 because even back then he was bitching that he wanted to play the hero, not the villain. Tool. How do you go from iconic horror villain to this lame role TWICE in a row?

Now bear in mind, Arnold looked pathetically over the hill as the T800 in Genisys and this was FOUR years ago! Anyone see the airbrushed Genisys poster of the grandpa donned in black trying to emulate his T2 look, with glasses to boot?! Now "he is back" in yet another Terminator movie where he is playing a T800 role similar to that of Genisys! Once again, I ask, can anybody here see that he doesn't care about the fans nor the franchise, just the money? Why the beard also? Would terminator's need the ability to grow beards? I had always thought Terminators were short term solutions to infiltrate human compounds in the future and one just happened to get sent back to '84 in a final act of desperation on SkyNet's behalf.

Think about it, Arnold needs to fuck off. He left a real sour taste in my mouth after the abomination he took part in: Genisys. And instead of truly listening to fans and having a final hoorah by playing an EVIL T800 just for one more fucking time, he decides to go with a robot living in the woods with a human wife owning a curtain business in DARK FATE.

And yet people STILL bang on about this guy as if he NEEDS to be in the franchise. Why? No actor/character is bigger than a story in my opinion. He did not need to be "back" for this lame movie. Nor did he need to be back in Genisys. People are so star blinded by him, that they never call him out on his shit when he does Dark Fate Reddit AMA's - instead they ask him questions like "ooooh how much can you bench still?" or "Favourite food?" or some lame crap like this.

I am sick of seeing this old man still thinking he can play a terminator at the age of 72 and I am not bothered by any insecure oldies leaving nasty comments saying "Oh you're just jealous because he is most likely in better shape than you are". That means nothing to me. What means something to me is having a good Terminator movie after almost 3 fucking decades. And for that to happen, one of the major things that needs to change is Arnold: He needs to go.


Having a Terminator movie without Arnold is kind of like making a Indiana Jones movie without Harrison Ford, it is just not the same.

I have a feeling that even after Arnold dies, CGI is so good that his image/voice will live on even after death.


But he clearly doesn't care about this franchise. Cameron told Arnold to be in T3 just for the money. And then in Genisys, Cameron only endorsed that steaming pile of crap because Arnold was in it. And now in Dark Fate, Arnold is only in it for the paycheck. If he truly was obsessed with playing the terminator as he claimed recently on some stage, he should be obsessed with not fucking up the role by pissing all over it and disrespecting what made him famous in the first place.

Predator movies work without Arnold too - in predator 1, Arnold just happened to be the guy chosen for sport by the Predator. In number 2, it was Danny Glover. Oh and of course, what did Arnold say about Predator 2? He didn't like it. Hmm I wonder why? Because he wasnt in it, perhaps? He also said the same thing about Salvation when it came out. And despite what ppl say, I have always said despite its flaws, Salvation was the step in the right direction for the Terminator series.

The same Predator scenario could be applied to the Terminator franchise. Why is it that it is always a CSM-101 model (Arnold appearance) sent back? SkyNet being this all knowing military tactician would know that it makes no sense to send back the same models of T800s for identification purposes. They would send back CSM-102's, 103's etc.

Arnold dint need to be in Terminator 2, or even the later films. There are countless different T800 models as depicted in Terminator 1's future flashback scene were Frank Columbo played the terminator infiltrator attacking Kyle Reese.


The money men concerned about the box office business obviously thinks different. I think they are in a bind when I comes to NOT to include Arnold.

If Arnold WASNT in a Terminator, word would get out, ticket sales would not be shall we say be robust.

The main problem is that it is a business gamble, while the movie business prefers sure things.

In their minds it is like why DONT we have Arnold in?


I understand, I truly do. I just wished Arnold had truly given a shit while he was still physically able to play this role. But he can't anymore. The dude's bloody 72 now... lol. Yes he is in great shape, but he is half the menacing size he was in T1 and that was scary as f***. He needs to look convincing. Seeing an old bearded Arnold as a robot who has a human wife owning a curtain business is the complete end of the spectrum of how to play the T800.

Could you imagine after T2 came out in 1991, a messenger from the future (just go with me here lol) told Arnold he would be playing a role like Carl's in TDF in 30 years time? He would probably laugh at the nonsensical concept of that. I mean, they have done literally everything there is to do with Arnold as the robot now. He's been bad (T1). He's been good (T2). He's been good but turned bad and then good again (T3). He's been good again (TG) and now he's been bad (CGI form) and then good again (TDF).

And in my opinion, only TWO of those were acceptable: him being evil in T1 like it should be and him being good in T2 because back in 1991, the idea of this iconic horror villain being the good guy was fresh and a twist. 28 years later, it's gotten more than stale...


You know, there’s some great points in this thread. In particular, I agree wholeheartedly about Salvation. Would have been good to see that storyline continued.

But to be honest, I’m so over the endless sequels and reboots of pretty much everything these days. Money for old rope my old man would have called it. What happened to writing an original story? They exist, but they’re few and far between.


Exactly. Well said. People are so afraid that they won't get their profit back from ticket sales if they make an original story. Then fine, use a smaller budget. It ain't rocket science.


You do realize the ENTIRE movie industry's motivation is money, right?




I know!!!


*mind blown*




arnold's presence is one of the very few good aspects of the movies after t2. so no, i don't agree.
it's mainly the producers/directors/writers who did damage to the series.


I get that, it all isnt Arnold's fault but I think he is partly to blame in this. I mean think about it, why does he need to be in these movies if his character is just being shoehorned in? If Arnold has such star power which we all know he does, why doesn't he take it upon himself to fix the movie's script? After all, without a good script, you don't have a good movie.

Stories need to feel natural... they need to flow naturally with characters that are included organically. And fair enough, shoehorn in a character fine, but then AT LEAST make the character believable or even remotely recognizable to it's original blueprints in one way or another. He is just playing another typical protector role and in no way is this different from his role in T2, T3, TG. This is four times now where Arnold is playing a lovable robot instead of what he was meant to be all along - a bloody heartless killing machine.

Arnold's T800 was just forced into Dark Fate because Cameron supposedly said he wouldnt work on it if Arnold wasn't in it. Why? Things change James, you can't relive the glory years of Terminator. Arnold is old and you have moved onto other projects.




Gonna have to agree, Arnold's presence only served to elevate the movies - it's just hard to elevate shit to any meaningful degree.

While Salvation, and particularly Genisys were absolute horrid shit, T:DF and, to a lesser degree, T3 are ok when isolated and entertaining - they just aren't good enough to come after the first two, story and characterwise...


LOL a genuine no holds barred 'FUCK YOU and GTFO of the series no one wants you here!' letter to Arnold! (imagine your younger just seen T2 self reading this lol) or better imagine Arnold reading this! - a tear gradually falling down his cheek ...he looks up gazing mournfully into the distance of his 52 acre hollywood ranch 'now I know vhy I cry *sniff'


I'm sure the person who poses as him on his official social media accounts would retort with a well constructed witty comment aimed to embarrass me in front of his millions of star blinded followers.


I think Arnold was right to be the hero in T2 as it works perfectly and he made both good and bad versions iconic. I think after this point he should've played the human that skynet based the model 101 on and be a heroric character in that context (not the hokey character in the T3 outtake though)

It's not credible to keep returning as a 'good' terminator. Uncle Bob should have been the exception.

There's a number of ways they could've utilised the human character, maybe starting the resistance and laying some of the groundwork for John.. fighting against the early skynet models and getting a martyrs end as the future war gets underway and skynet using his image as a symbol of futility against it.


The idea of Arnold playing the human template would have been much better. You just know that that the producers during TDF must have been aware that fans were hoping for that theory to be true.

I remember when it was announced that Cameron was going to have a bigger involvement in TDF, he himself alluded to the idea that Arnold's character in TDF would be the human template on which SkyNet would use for all CSM-101 models.
So this had me initially believing that old man Arnold would be playing a human because why else would Cameron have mentioned this human template stuff.

But noooope! Old man Arnold sure loves thinking he is a fucking robot, because guess what? He played a robot. Again. Hopefully for the last time.


no, he is still good

but wasted in this piece of shit woke movie


I agree that there will always be an element of 'you cant have a Terminator movie without Arnie' aspect, and the studios know it's far easier to sell a movie worldwide with him on board.

But my personal feeling is that he is not needed...he has had his day. I would welcome a Terminator movie without him, and one that explores the future war scenario, instead of keep rehashing the idea of different terminators keep coming back to assassinate someone..

That's one of the reason I liked Salvation. For all its faults it took a different approach and at least tried.


Terminator movie without him, and one that explores the future war scenario"

sure, but that will never happen, gritty movies are banned by lib hollywood now.

hardest thing they can come up with now, with is an old lady, an mexican midget, and a gender neutral thingy.

yes, that IS scary.... but not ín a good way




time for your MEDS




a few more... WILL NOT HURT


