Libtard SJW NPC nonsense!

I’m so sick of Hillary Clinton voters ruining cinema. EVERY MOVIE now has to star some ugly woman or minority!

Remember when the
Terminator was about cool shit? Now it’s about ugly minority women fighting white men. Probably because no guy wanted to have sex with them!

Remember when James Cameron made badass movies? Now he’s making libtard SJW crap.

Remember when Tim Miller made Deadpool, one of the best movies of the last 20 years? A movie that gave the finger to SJW PC libtards and did what it wanted? Well now, just three years later, he’s transformed into a libtard himself. I wonder if he’s gonna get a sex change next!

Remember when the Terminator movies starred badass people who were believable and badass? Well now it stars minority lesbians. Who was the more realistic defender against killer robots? An athletic highly trained soldier? A statue-esque muscular robot from the future? Or some Mexican girl? She probably couldn’t even drink a slighly hot pumpkin spice latte or hold down a job at McDonalds, but she is supposed to save the world?

If feminists hate men so much, why do they decide to look like them??? Ahahaha, these people are so stupid.




You sound like you have issues, please seek help.


You going to actually make some kind of argument here? Phrasing certain perspectives in a mock tone proves literally nothing. I could just start typing mock stuff about white tears, incels, misogynists, identity politics, safe spaces, triggering, milkshaking, and 1000 genders of fluidity - I guess we could see what people think is more ridiculous. If you think that is productive.

It's clear however that all you want is attention, and regretfully I have given you some.


Well, the movie did fail, afterall.

The more they push these far-left politics, the more they will fail. People want to be entertained, not preached at.


Now it’s about ugly minority women fighting white men.

Wasn't the evil terminator in this movie also a minority dude? And wasn't the minority woman (quite attractive btw) fighting along side the white terminator and two white women? Man you really need to chill. If white men are the only heroes you can stomach there are plenty of choices for you. Some of us don't mind things being mixed up a bit.
