Lifeless insipid mess. Did not like it
So I had not much idea who Black Adam was and tbh after some numbing cgi nonstop fights like you're rolling after falling, I still don't know much about him nor care for him.
The whole thing lifeless and boring and lacked any audience connect.
It was laughable how his son gives up his life for Black Adam which makes less sense and the whole backstory was just childish and silly.
The chars were zero developed, forced and the squad was atrociously cringey from the annoying irritant (the kid on skates) to the do it all mom to the overbearing uncle and others.
The main villain was a joke really. Even Black Adam was a joke. It has to be. Who'd really write a comic this way or make a movie like this?
It had every trope from the Dr. Fate (the only interesting char) telegraphed self sacrifice to the skeleton fight for like 30s to the 30 or so Khandaqians marching with them based on some annoying kid on a skate and cape.
This was a C-team poorly assembled, badly made movie with zero audience investment or feel and just a platform for Dwayne Johnson to show how terrible he is in acting and making such movies. They're even ashamed of him saying the word Black Adam.
My rating would be 4/10.