This is just wrong
David Copperfield was not Indian. This doesn’t even make any sense. This is incredibly offensive and racist. Imagine if a white guy played MLK. Copperfield’s family should sue.
shareDavid Copperfield was not Indian. This doesn’t even make any sense. This is incredibly offensive and racist. Imagine if a white guy played MLK. Copperfield’s family should sue.
shareThis is sorta off topic but when I visited India in my 20s I was amazed at how so many natives had facial structures that mirrored white Europeans. Everything from sharp noses and high cheekbones to big schnozes and thick eyebrows. Our tour guide looked like a brown version of the late David Niveha and his bus driver could be have been Peter Seller's doppelganger.
In a weird ironic way, if Indians wore White face they could probably pass off as White Englishmen LOL
the movie is not a success, so we can revel in that fact at the very least
shareDavid Copperfield is a fictional character. MLK was not. Its a ridiculous comparison.
No one had an issue with Robert Downey Jr playing a white man playing a black man in Tropic Thunder.
These are fictional characters...artistic licence can be taken.
Dev Patel is no RDJ
shareSo your issue is with his acting ability and not his ethnicity?
Don't know why people are getting their panties in a bunch over this. The movie is a 'what if?' scenario. What if the character was played by an Indian actor? It's just putting a different spin on a familiar story. It's not changing or re writing history.
Unless some people think they are trying to erase the original story and convince everyone that the character was actually Indian. But you would have to be very stupid to think that...
David is a fictional character. MLK was not. I'm doubtful you've read David Copperfield or any Dickens for that matter.
shareOh so you’d be fine with a white guy playing Black Panther?