Rocky should die.

I was tearing up in the theater during Creed when Rocky was diagnosed with the cancer. I think if done right, the perfect ending to Rocky's story would be to have him die and laid to rest next to Adrian and Paulie. It would be very sad but very very powerful.


Screw that idea! Let him come back and fight again! He's not dead yet.


But this time he litteraly gets in the ring with cancer and BLAM IN THE FACE AND PUNCH ITS GUTS with John Cena is his corner!


Does Brian Dennehy play as the Cancer character?


Let Rocky have one more fight and then let him rest in peace either in this film or preferably, Creed 3.


Maybe Clubber Lang's son will push him in Creed 3, Rocky dies.


How about make Adonis die in the hand of a cheating boxer. Then Rocky would have to train again and fight for one last time to avenge his pupil's death!


I agree! This maybe the last movie featuring Rocky. I see people would like to see Rocky in one more fight, but he has cancer, so I'm not sure how that would work. Unless Rocky is cured. I do agree it would be sad because an era would finish, but it would definitely be powerful. Maybe they should feature Rocky's son in this film or the next, then take up the mantle, but we haven't seen Rocky's son in a while, so who knows. I guess we'll see what happens.


I think sooner or later Stallone should put the character to rest. However, I personally would like to see Rocky continue on for a few more years. I'd like it if he made one more actual ROCKY movie where he is the main character. He doesn't even need to fight in it. It could just be the story of a now-elderly former boxer living out his final years, perhaps trying to live out some last few dreams from his bucket list, completely unrelated to boxing.


Rocky's way too old to fight. Besides, he'd never get the chance again, since he beat cancer.


"It could just be the story of a now-elderly former boxer living out his final years, perhaps trying to live out some last few dreams from his bucket list, completely unrelated to boxing."


Rocky dies of cancer and is in a coffin during his funeral. Creed is fighting Drako's son and loses. Rocky felt the disturbance in the boxing force and is suddenly revived and jumps out of the coffin. He trains one last time to revenge Creed and take down Drako's son. In his final moments he realizes the last punch really did a number on him as he collapses onto the ring with blurry eyes. Before his eyes flutter to a shut, Creed is by his side and Rocky says some epic memorable lines and does the fist grab with Creed before letting go and going limp.


NOT happening. No way they kill off the character at this point. If there were gonna do that it wouldve already happened. You dont have him beat cancer and then die. Would be stupid. Rocky is an icon of cinema. You dont kill off icons.


Stallone is 72


The third film probably


Whats better if the next film, Rocky finds a cure for cancer for all
