MovieChat Forums > The Post (2018) Discussion > In no way, shape, or form did this deser...

In no way, shape, or form did this deserve a Best Picture Nomination

Completely bland pabulum of a film. Story not overly original. Subject matter (Vietnam war, hiding the truth about it, Nixon) has been beaten to death already, acting is average / passable, film mostly takes place in a series of living rooms and offices so no cinematography of note - it's boring as hell.

There is only one reason this got a nomination and that's because of the Nixon - Trump parallels. You basically sit through 2 hours of crap to learn is Trump is bad.

Because of this, I wouldn't be surprised if it wins best picture, so Spielberg can go up and make a speech telling us Trump is bad.

The corruption of Hollywood and the Oscars on full display.


Would Speilberg be wrong to say trump is bad if he won any awards?


It's irrelevant. He would be wrong to 50% of Americans and right to the other 50%.


More like 30/70.


I agree it was a weak movie all around.


You lost me at "acting is average or passable," considering that Hanks gives one of the best performances we've seen from him in recent years, Streep was reliably good, and the supporting cast turns in excellent performances all around.

Also, no cinematography of note? I loved the look of the film. They did a great job of creating the look and feel of the 1970s and that is due in large part to the texture of the cinematography.


I disagree about Hanks. I will also note the Oscars didn't see anything special in the performance either. I'd almost say he's in a rut, playing the same character over and over. The "Bridge of Spies" character was almost identical. Nothing wrong with his performance, but mind blowing? Not really. Streep did get an Oscar nod, and looking back I think she was the best actor in the film and better than "average."

Adding some orange lens filters doesn't really wow me in terms of cinematography. Again, the Academy agrees. Dunkirk and Blade Runner 2049 are examples of what I personally consider to be amazing cinematography.

The Post is undeserving of a Best-Picture nomination. It will be a forgotten film in a couple months.


" are examples of what I personally consider to be amazing cinematography."

well at least you gave examples , personally i coundt give a shit about how the director plays with the light or whatever unless it is going add something great to the film , like the original BR did . just about.
Its simply not needed in a film full of living rooms and typewriters.




Speaking of lame speechifying, you really take the cake.


Thanks for your intellectual contribution to the discussion.


Come on... It received only two nominations, it's not like if it was a serious challenger anyways...


In Nelson’s voice: HA HA!

So glad it did. Especially if it triggers the likes of you. When presented with facts... ooh, you Dotard lovers just can’t handle that. And if Spielberg had won, he along with every true patriot and sane person had every right to call out that money launderer, draft-dodging, overwhelming fake news spreading, sexual predator, US traitor, hypocrite, adulterer, Putin lapdog, right-wing demagogue sack of spoiled orange crap.

Hollywood>>>>>>>> the entire lying, greedy af, heartless, racist, and YUGEly corrupt GOP and whole Drumpf administration. Oh, and can’t forget about their brainless, fundamentalists, fascist approving “they took r jobs and 2nd amendments bro!” cultists.

Now sit back, relax, and enjoy the new Roseanne. If you can’t hate-watch any more of that “commie” agenda from Hollywood, then finally there’s something for ya! A completely demented conservative trumpist mouthpiece oughtta bring you comfort and make you feel that one day free-thinking, equal rights, facts believing, health care+education loving people will be no more in a world full of Trump sheeps.



I never said Trump is great, I was criticizing the film and the academy for political pandering. The Post will be a forgotten film in a couple years (if it isn't already), because it's not actually a very good film. It just happened to line up with the right politics at the right time.

You see, I come here to discuss _film_, not try to push my edgelord political agendas...


i hate trump, agree with your basic take.

imo streep was outstanding in this film. she is almost peerless in her ability to assume different personas according to role.

would have to study KG a bit more to know how well MS got her mannerisms, but I was seeing a person, not MS acting like a person. same cannot be said for Hanks, who is the John Wayne of our day - not a fan.


Hanks can't act, period.


So The Shape of Water was better? lol...

Shape of Water won Best Picture that year. I actually found TP to be a little more intriguing to be honest but then again, I'm a sucker for films based on true stories.

Streep and Hanks were very good but I didn't think anyone had a really "great" moment. But everyone did a very solid job. It's a great story that needed to be be told on film and not because Trump was president. Trump was just pissed at the press because he felt like they didn't treat him fairly. Nope, it needed to be told because it was a big part of our nation's history at the time and no other film has touched on it that I know of.

Either way, I'd give it 7.7 out of 10. I would rate it higher but it starts off kind of slow then finally builds up. I think it's worth watching if you have any interest in the subject matter.


Did it win?
