I thought Swank's character was going to be...(spoiler)
An older clone of 'Daughter'....
share I think she still was APX01. The 13800 day reference at the beginning was too much of a coincident to correspnd with the "woman's" age. The "woman" even said it herself that she was found and adopted as a baby. Mother also seems to have been watching the woman from adistance and only killed those around her and says her self that it almost seemes like some one intended a plan for woman "until now".
My suspicion is hillary swank was intended to be discovered later to be APX01 but it was never developed further in the script. Or perhaps instead of being explicit is was made to just be implied. I can think of no other reason for the very last scene in cargo container existing. We already knew mother was a hive mind so she must have been deliberatly manipulating the woman towards the embryo lab by shooting her. The only thing that scene added that we would not have conclusively known at that point was that mother was implying there was a purpose for the woman the whole time until now. The "until now" reference was delayed to emphasise that she was speaking of her own intentions instead of generically of some one else's iuntention or random chance.
So what was the purpose? To develop Daughter's character in some way? Are we meant to think everything we saw play out was all according to plan? I really liked this movie, but that would be a little much IMO.
share It was most likely gonna be an "ah I get it" moment. The movie is already trying to give the impression that this was all apart of mothers plan. IE mother was eventually going to hand off the role of mother to daughter. I mean when you first saw the 13800 days and daughter age disparity you knew that this daughter wasnt APX01 right? The only real big reveal was that mother had a hive mind which first revealed that yes she intentionally shot at the "woman" to drive her to the compound and that its not a stretch that she abandoned APX01 at the beggining and was tracking her from a distance. The only conflict with this theory is that its shown APX02 was murdered by mother rather then likewise being abandoned.
Mother was constantly testing daughter throughout the movie and we know that the "woman" was driven to the compound deliberatly by mother. This clearly was apart of her plan at the very least and as you stated was a test of daughters character.
I like the movie less if everything was just on marionette strings and Daughter had no agency.
shareThe daughter had agency. We are pretty sure what would have happened if she failed the test. If she had no agency she woulden't be taking tests. It also seemed foolish for mother to pretend she didn't know the "woman" was in the complex. She almost shot her through her CPU after all. I'm sure mother couden't have choreographed that.
shareI don't understand this comment, could you please explain? How is having agency responsible for taking tests?
Btw, I do think that getting shot could be part of her plan. It's not like Mother can actually be hurt, she can be easily replaced by any of the droids outside, but getting shot was giving her leverage over Daughter - an additional reason to mistrust the strange woman, and a graphic example of how humans should not act if they are to "rise above".
And she was.
shareYes, you are right. In clinical research, this method calls randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Swank's character was APX01, the control group, and the daughter is APX03, the experimental group. They were two random embryos with equal good genes, the difference is one grew up in shithole countries ---> in shithole mines, crawling in the dark and fighting for food to survive, and the other grew up in a fine and resource-rich banker, receiving great care and good education. One might argue that individual's free will still matter - if APX03 made the wrong choice, she would get terminated like APX02; if APX01 made the right choice, she should become another "Sarah Connor" who fight for her species. But in the end, it turns out that she is just another selfish, cowed and lying human trash.
shareWell i believe she was and that 'Mother' put her there with other survivors as a test for Swank and later for 'daughter'.