Good Scif-Fi, Bad Drama
I had the pleasure of watching this movie 2 day ago. I am going to give a general review in the first paragraph hereunder, whereafter I will discuss spoilers, so please don't read further than that if you haven't seen the movie.
I think this movie is a solid addition to the sci-fi library. It has suspense, coupled with great character development. That is about all I can say without spoiling the movie. It is an interesting premise, and one that any sci-fi enthusiast will welcome.
Oh boy, does this thing fail in the execution of its premise. The 3rd act of the movie is only barely outdone by it's preceeding act. In the 3rd act Mother wants you to believe that she orchestrated everything in order to bring her plan to fruition - a better human. However, whilst teaching her "daughter" about philosophical concepts ranging from Hume to Bentham, it turns out "Mother" is nothing but a hedonistic utilitarian dictator? It makes no sense. Bad on you screen writers and producers of this movie. Boo on you, boo I say.
I understand the twist. The robot killed all humans and made a safe place for it to grow humans and train them (and educate then) to be better. The premise is easy to understand, Why then turn the robot into the enemy of every philosophical thought that was portrayed in the movie in the first act? If the point is that every person with power is inevitably evil (see the philosopher Razz), then why make this in the first place? I don't understand the social commentary. Perhaps someone will comment below and give me a different perspective.
TL;DR: Good Sci-fi movie, bad social commentary