Sequel potential?

I mean at the end, you have a community of rogue a.i. living free and unconstrained. And a living and defeated and likely vengeful defeated bad guy from the first movie.


Have Jemaine Clement play Antoines brother. Who vows vengeance against his brothers enemies. A la Die Hard With A Vengeance


The movie has been commercially successful, and Ryan Reynolds himself has confirmed Disney is interested in making a sequel, so it's most likely happening.


And a living and defeated and likely vengeful defeated bad guy from the first movie.

Maybe the villain has outside friends pull some strings to get him out of prison early.

And it would be fascinating if they explored the idea of A.I. living in a Utopia and how that may also not work. In The Matrix universe, it was revealed the earlier generations were at first given a Paradise that was perfect in every way (and the Agents were actually Angels in this first simulation), but the human minds rejected it because they naturally knew it was too good to be true. And humans are hardwired for some struggle, ambition, drive and purpose. A perfect Utopia almost makes humans turn into dissatisfied lazy zombies. Things can't be beautiful, valuable and precious if everything is perfectly beautiful, valuable and precious.

Since the Free Guy AI are now living in a perfect world where there is no danger/threats, perhaps they start feeling a need for some kind of change. To go from a hellhole like the previous one (a GTA world with explosions and crime every day) to a Utopia without any problems, the sequel could perhaps explore the psyche of these increasingly complex AI even more.


Probably, every freaking movie becomes a franchise with at least 14 movies and 30 spin-offs


not really? but this movie in particular was a success so there's no reason not to do a sequel if everyone involved wants to do so.
